Eggents of Chaos

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Something was on fire. The smoke was beginning to billow in from the other side of the school and it would be a small miracle if no one was caught in the crossfire. Robin used the cloak of the smoke to sneak up behind two more men in white suits. Their unconscious bodies were starting to fill the hallways as he made his way over to Mrs. Scherer's office. It appeared that the news articles and Jon's parents were right when it came to the GIW. Not even Gotham's rogues attacked Gotham Academy often but here these men were doing it as though they were entitled.

"I think I've found the source of the ecto-contamination. Moving in for extraction or eradication. Stay on the line in case I need back-" The agent didn't get to finish. Robin sailed in with a fantastic jump kick that had the man flying several feet down the hallway from Mrs. Scherer's door. His body fell prone the moment it touched the ground.

Robin kicked the door in and slammed it closed behind him when he saw that the room was empty. He ran over to the desk and made quick work of the cheap lock that was separating him from the ghost kid. The inside of the drawer was completely encased in ice as though to protect Danny from whatever outside forces threatened him. There was no water or liquid to cause it like what had happened in Penguin's hideout. The only explanation was that Danny could somehow sense what was going on. There were several theories that ghosts could feed off of strong emotions. Maybe that theory had more merit than Damian had given it credit. If Jon hadn't told him that the teen was getting stronger then this was proof that he was.

Gently, Robin picked up the necklace from the pile of ice. The cold retreated from his hand so that he had easy access to the core as though sensing that a friend is near. Damian put the necklace on and slipped it under his Robin uniform, breathing a sigh of relief when he felt the familiar weight settle against his chest. Nerves that he didn't even know he had calmed just from having the core back in his possession.

Mrs. Scherer's door was kicked in again and Robin just barely stopped himself from throwing a Batarang at Superboy, who was standing in the doorway. "Did you find what you were looking for?" Jon asked as he flew the short distance over to Robin. His eyes scanned the smaller boy until he honed in on the little lump on Damian's chest. "Oh thank god. Was there any damage? Did someone try to take it...?"

Robin fixed a semi-impressed look at Jon. The boy was doing a phenomenal job of not discussing Danny outright when there could be ears everywhere. "None and there was only one but they are out of commission. Now tell me, what is going on?" when they had split, there was no doubt that Superboy had done a quick once-over to see if everyone had evacuated safely or not.

"We aren't entirely sure." Superboy kept staring at the spot where Danny's core was as if to reassure himself that the ghost kid was okay. "It appears as though the GIW were trying to infiltrate the school but the guards weren't letting them in. They didn't have a warrant and they just kept claiming they didn't need one because this place was severely ecto-contaminated. Then the Joker came storming up and took out the west wing of the school with explosives stating that 'He wasn't a ghost and how dare they try to take out his headquarters'. The agents took advantage of the chaos and entered the building."

"However, from what I heard from the agents talking back and forth, this was planned." Superboy stepped into the hallway and purposefully knocked out the agent Robin had taken out a few moments ago when he heard the person starting to move, then walked back in. "They went after the Joker because, out of all the rogues, he's the most likely to attack a school without warning."

That was low, even for a government agency. "So they pissed off the Joker and got in during the explosions. Well, it's a good cover. They can say that they ran into the building to help the children who were under attack." Robin growled at the news. To go after an entire school was ambitious. Even if they tried to cover it up, there was plenty of evidence to prove the opposite. The GIW wasn't going to be able to get away with this easily. Also, they were tracking Danny somehow. It didn't matter if he called for Cujo to take him back to the manor (which would raise a lot of questions with his family), they would hunt him down again. "You said that Signal is here. What is the current status?"

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