Not an Eggsact Science

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"He's over there! He's over there!"

"No! He moved! He's over here now!"

"Tim duck!"

Danny dived from the top of a bookshelf and landed right on Tim's shoulders. Before the teen could grab him, he was launching himself away and rolling under a nearby table. Damian sat at the Batcomputer watching the absolute chaos unfold that was one Daniel Fenton (Now Daniel Wayne but semantics). He sipped on a juice box as he watched the rest of the family try in vain to catch the ghostly -powered toddler racing around the Batcave.

Barbara was enjoying this as much as Damian was if her subtly recording the entire debacle meant anything. "You know... you could probably help them out? Danny is your kid, isn't he?" She smirked when she got a shot of Stephanie running straight into a wall, not having the time to stop her momentum, as Danny phased right through it like it was nothing.

"They were the ones that insisted that we did this right after breakfast. He knows nothing of this world and you all decide to take him down to the dark, gloomy, cave he formed in after being outright terrified. Please tell me how you thought this would have gone well?" Damian replied and then took a long sip of his juice box on purpose.

After breakfast was over, it was decided that a check-up on the half-ghost was a good idea. There was no one like him in the world and it would be hard to take care of a kid if you didn't even have a baseline idea of how his health worked. Everything had gone well in the beginning. Bruce had Danny run some basic, noninvasive tests, that measured his heartbeat and the like. Quickly figuring out that, even though he was human, his vitals were scarily low for a normal person. This prompted Bruce to want to take a blood sample and well... here they were. Danny had been compliant with everything that didn't involve taking something from him. He was being a trooper. Trying to follow the line of logic that he was new and didn't know what was going on while having the mindset of a teenager who does. It was interesting to watch the teenage toddler juggle the act.

They had been allowed to take a hair for DNA testing, which was still running, but nothing else. It honestly surprised Damian that Danny had allowed Tim to take the hair because, if the DNA results came back, it would prove that Danny wasn't Damian's kid and the whole thing would be over. He must have known something that Damian didn't if he had allowed it without such a fuss. But the moment Alfred came out of the medical bay with a needle, Danny was gone. As in, he disappeared right in front of everyone.

Panic ensued because not only was the small child invisible but no one could hear where he was. It was like Danny had just dropped off the face of the earth. Damian, who had experienced a few of Danny's powers and knew roughly what he could do, was much more relaxed about the whole thing. Which he knew that several of them noticed but didn't comment on until now. He didn't know why Danny didn't want his blood drawn but it must have been important if he was giving everyone the runaround so hard.

Barbara snickered as if she was expecting that answer from him. "It's for his own good, y'know?"

"I do. But they didn't have to be so shady about it. Instead of talking to him, everyone just assumed that I would hold him down or something but he has the right to be scared, if he is scared." Damian replied while watching Danny run into the foot of the dinosaur and pop his head out of it's mouth a moment later.

"Do you think he is scared?" the red-head arched an eyebrow at the youngest Wayne but kept her focus primarily on the others as they ran about the cave trying (and massively failing) to catch the overpowered toddler.

Damian hesitated for a moment before he sighed. "Yes. At least, a little bit. I would say that he is more overwhelmed than anything. He went from an egg, with only being able to sense the most basic things, to a full on child in the matter of moments. Surrounded by people and things that he knows nothing about. It doesn't matter that he's young. This is all new and its a lot. It's easy to forget that what we consider normal could be overwhelming to someone else."

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