Teaching Eggnorance

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Anger rolled off of Danny in waves and the only thing that kept Damian's face neutral was his years of training as an assassin and now as Robin. If not, then he would have long been kicked off of the zoom call for disrupting class. Damian sat at a desk in one of the lesser libraries of the manor, his laptop open with Danny resting in his open pendant right in front of him. Just out of sight of the webcam. Several books were piled up on both sides of the laptop, so the only way for anyone to see the ghost core was to somehow sneak behind Damian or peer in from above. Considering that Damian's back was against the wall and he could see the single entryway into the room, that was unlikely to happen.

There was primarily one person in the house that he was trying to keep Danny away from and, unfortunately, Duke had decided to keep close to home for the past couple of days. So the news that Gotham Academy would be hosting classes again was welcomed as much as it was despised. It had taken the school a bit to set up but, with Gotham Academy closed due to repairs for the foreseeable future, classes could now resume with the aid of modern technology. Much to Damian's dismay. Of course, classes would begin taking place again during day four of his week-long patrol ban. It seemed like Danny's luck was starting to rub off on him.

His science teacher cleared her throat and Damian refocused on the useless drivel that she had decided to teach them all today. He wasn't the only one wishing that they weren't there judging by his other classmates' webcams. It wasn't the lesson that was making it so hard for Damian to keep a straight face.

It was Danny.

"And this is why, if you are lost, you should look for the North Star to find your bearings. It is the brightest one by far and has been used since ancient times for people to find their way back home." Mrs. Hilton wrote a bit on the dry-erase board as she spoke and it took all of Damian's willpower to not snort into the hand that he was using to hide the lower half of his face when Danny practically screamed.

WRONG! LIES! THIS is the prestigious Gotham Academy? Where the hell did they hire their teachers? Yes, Polaris is often used to aid in navigation because the entire northern sky is centered around it, but it is not the brightest star by FAR. It just barely ranks at number 50. If you are trying for the brightest then you are looking for Sirius! The Dog Star's name means 'glowing' in Greek! What is wrong with you lady? Have you ever heard of fact-checking?!

Damian could see Jon giving him the side-eye in his face cam as he carefully schooled his expression into the epitome of neutrality. Danny continued to roast his teacher with Damian as the only audience member to his righteous rant. He hit the mute button before attempting to address the angered ghost. "Tt. I doubt it. Most teachers only teach what they are told to. Whether it is true or not doesn't matter."

That doesn't make it okay! It's not even that hard to find out! A simple google search could tell you that!

Well, Damian couldn't deny it. "A lot of people do not do the research and take things at face value-"

"Mr. Wayne, is everything alright? I thought you were all told to set up in a place without distractions?" Mrs. Hilton smiled sweetly at the camera and Damian rolled his eyes while unmuting himself. "Let's see if you were paying attention. Why is there no gravity in space?"

THERE IS GRAVITY YOU DINGBAT! A small amount of gravity is found everywhere in space. How else is the moon still in the Earth's orbit? If gravity wasn't a thing in space, then the Sun would have moved out of place as the centerpiece of the Milky Way galaxy trillions of years ago and we wouldn't even exist!

Okay, maybe class could be fun. Damian lowered his hand, ensuring that everyone could see his devious smirk. He was always down to put snobby teachers in their place. He would have to make sure that he got back at Mrs. Scherer at his first available opportunity. She had taken Danny from him and had indirectly put the boy in danger in doing so. In the meantime, he was more than happy to put Hilton in her place. "Actually, despite it being a vacuum, space does have gravity. It isn't a lot but how else is the moon orbiting Earth? It's due to the larger gravitational pull of our planet on the lunar surface."

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