My little sister[15]

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I don't know how long I've been driving but I never stopped since I left forks.
I haven't even stopped to feed.
Alice had been blowing my phone up but I'm sure by now she should have to message that I'm not going to answer.

I frown even deeper as I pass a sign.
I'm in my hometown.
I made sure to keep my decisions last minute and tried not to think about what I want to do.
I knew Alice would try to watch what I decided to do and go.

I look at my hand and sigh.
My wedding ring shines bright in the sunlight along with my skin.
Did I care to cover myself up?, no I did not.

My other hand holds the promise ring that Bella has the matching one too.
I let her keep it along with my picture.

I wasn't going to take anything from her.
I park my car in the woods and get out.
I walk deep into the woods that surrounded me.

I make it to the place I was looking for.
This is the place I stopped being human.
I close my eyes and cover my mouth with my hand and fall to the ground.
Flashbacks of that night go threw my head.
I should've just married the jack ass but no I opened my big mouth.
My mom always said my personality and mouth would be the thing to get me killed if I kept my act up.
She was basically right.

I stay in the same spot till it's dark and I decided to hunt so I can go into town.

Time skip

I was wide eye at how some things changed in the town.
I was walking down the street of my old block.
Big luxurious houses everywhere you look.
I make it to the end of the block and see where my old home was.
The house here looks the same wait it is the same just have had some TLC.

I look at the mailbox and smile I was so shocked.

It's printed in black letters.
My family is still here.
Not really but my blood is in this home.
I feel a presence behind me and turn to see a girl we seem to be the same height.
She has red eyes.
A vampire.
I won't this nomad hurt my family in this house.

"Who are you?." She asked as I glare at her.
"None of your business whatsoever but I suggest you best make your way." I say folding my arms.
She tilts her head at me.
"What's it matter to you what go on in this house?." She asked and I see her hand twitching.

"My business now beat it." I say clinching my fist.
"This is my family home and if you think your going to go and hurt them you have another thing coming." She says and I go wide eye.
"Wait did you say your family?." I asked and she nods.

I don't say anything more and speed off.
I stop across from a cemetery.
I walk inside and go to where I know my grave is.

I walk to the back corner and see it,
Morticia Donna lovheart.
Loving daughter,sister and friend.

I sit down in front of the grave and run my hand over the words on it.
If I could I would cry right now as when I look next to mine I see my parents grave.
Seems they lived a long life.
"My body might not be down in this dirt but my soul is, the day I became a vampire is the day my human self died." I whisper before I hear wind and see the girl from earlier "following me huh?." I stand up and watch as she sits on one of the graves.
"I couldn't help but hear what you said, I had my suspicion but this is hard proof evidence." I was confused.
"What are you talking about?."

"Well funny you ask it's not like your not looking at your sister or anything." She says and I go wide eye.
She turns away from me.
"You lie." I hiss.

"What do I have to lie for plus it hurts to hear that from the girl I mourned my whole human life who I didn't even remember, I got compared to you everyday since you "died" and it drive me mad I hated you but then I realized why hate you when it ...

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"What do I have to lie for plus it hurts to hear that from the girl I mourned my whole human life who I didn't even remember, I got compared to you everyday since you "died" and it drive me mad I hated you but then I realized why hate you when it was out of your control not your fault our dad was a abusive asshole who drank a lot and didn't care about his family only his money or mom for crying every single day and night and don't get me started on our brothers who acted like I didn't exist and when they were old enough they left me alone or hear everyone tell me I look like you with my dark clothes and midnight black hair." I frown deeply.

"Plus my grave is right next to yours." She points and sure enough when I look it's right there.
Avanitta Donna lovheart.

I shake my head and walk past her to leave out the cemetery.
"So your just gonna leave?." She asked me.
"Avanitta I can't do this right now I just left what felt like home and my two mates and family I can't open old wounds and talk about my human family." I huff running my hand threw my hair.
"Wow like your the only one who's had a hard time." Ava rolls her eyes.
"And don't call me Avanitta I go by Ava and that's it I hate my birth name." She adds sitting down on a bench.

"Yeah well shit happens and sure whatever Ava." I then turn and walk away leaving her on the bench.

Time skip

I was sitting on my car when my phone rings.
I press the end button and put my phone in my bra as I don't have pockets.
I can't get Edward and Bella out of my mind.
I also can't get Avanitta out my mind either, she's my blood little sister and I turned her away.

I gotta find her.

I stand up and decide to start where we talked last night.
I use my power to make sure I don't sparkle as I walk down the street.
I find her laying on a bench.
If I didn't know better I would say she was sleep.

"Wow still here." I say and she sits up to look at me.
She shrugs
"Figure I would just stay here."
"Well now your coming with me and we're going to get to know each other and have you meet my family and join our coven because that's what a big sister is supposed to do so get up and let's go." I say and hold my hand out to her.

She looks at it for a moment and I start to doubt myself before she grabs it and I pull her up.
We smile at each other.

"Welp to a new chapter in my life." She says and I nod as we walk down the streets of our hometown of San Francisco.
Maybe I can be happy with my sister.

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