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I get into the car with Edward as we have school.
Me being back home means me going to school again, eww.

"Cheer up." Edward says as he drives.
He reaches over and takes my hand.
I look at our connected hands for a moment before I just look out the window.
It's weird to me now.
I've been used to being around the boys and Emily and having to deal with some much heat that I really don't feel.
It's cold and quiet at home.
Well almost quiet, Emmett gets a little to loud to be in a house full of vampires.

We pick Bella up and I watch as her and Edward share a kiss before they get back in the car.
"Hi Bella." I smile politely at her.
"Hey." She says and kiss my cheek.
I then go back to looking out the window as her and Edward talk.
We make it to school.

I made sure not to listen to Edward and Bella's little disagreement.

Time skip

I walk into lunch with Edward and Bella and we sit down at the table with her friends.
I wave at them as I sit down on Bella's left with Edward on her right.
We grab hands as Mike starts talking.
"Alright check it out, my fellow students, we are the future, anything is possible if you just believe, right perfect." Mike said making me chuckle lowly.
"You got yourself a speech." He throw the notebook at Jessica.

"No this will be my speech when I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head, so thank you." She throw the notebook back at him.

I laugh at her words while Bella and Edward looks at each other with smiles on their faces.

"Jess doesn't need Cliches, her speech is gonna be epic." Bella says and I kiss her cheek.

"Epic?, it will change lives." Jessica responds and I nod.
"Of course it will." I say and we high five each other.
Alice and jasper comes and sit at the table.

"I've decided to throw a party." Alice said and I frown at that.
"After all how many times are we gonna graduate high school." Jasper says and I chuckle at the underline joke.

Too many times.
"A party at your place?."
"I've never seen your house." Jessica says shocked.
"No ones ever seen their house" Eric tells her.
Which is true our home is where we can be ourselves and not hide and have to act human like we do all day.

"Another party Alice." Edward gives her a look,
"It will be fun." She tells him.
"Yeah that's what you said last time." Bella adds.
Alice slumps back in her seat.
"I'm sure it will be fun don't attack her for past mistakes." I glare at them as I let go of Bella's hand folding my arms.

Alice space out and I can tell she's having a vision.
Bella noticed too so she tries to distract everyone from Alice.

"Hey Angela?" Bella calls "you need some help with those?." She asked
I watch Alice along with Jasper.

Time skip

We pull up to the police station to drop Bella off to Charlie.
I stay in the car as I'm not feeling very social.
My phone dings and I open it to see a text from embry.
I miss him.

I text him back as Bella and Edward talk to Charlie.

"What airline ticket?" Charlie asked.

Edward is trying to be slick and send Bella to her mother.
Embry told me of a vampire they been chasing it never crossed my mind who it could be though.

Time skip

"You and Bella go I will stay." I say as I sit in Bella's room with her and Edward.
"Come with us." Bella pleaded with me.
Me and Edward make eye contact.
I'm staying because of Victoria.

"I would if I could but I can't plus my eating habits haven't been a hundred percent lately." I lie.
She nods and sighs.
"I wish I could go I really do but I don't want to hurt anyone and yes I know you trust me but let's not text our luck." I kiss her.

Time skip

Me and my family stand in the forest waiting.
I'm on edge.
Who knows what could happen.
I decided to stay just in case the unexpected happens.
My gifts would come in handy along with Ava's.
"Your sure this is where you saw her?." Carlisle asked Alice.
Jasper walks closer to Alice.
"She's almost here."

"On your left!." Alice yelled and we took off running.
Me and Emmett runs next to her.
She's right in front of us.
Emmett picked up speed reaching his hand out to grab her when she suddenly flips him into a tree.

I almost stop for a second but my brother is tuff. He's okay.
Then she jumps to the other side making us all stop.

"Wait." Carlisle said.
"She's in their territory." He said as she gets up to start running.
"I'm not letting her get away." I say "don't." Ava tells me.

We all take off running still on our side.
"She's gonna get away!." Esme exclaims.
Then I hear the growls and I almost feel happy as the pack starts chasing her on their side.
"No she won't." Me and jasper say together.

She jumps back to our side.
Jasper almost had her but he misses.
Me and Emmett are the closest to her.
"Emmett no!." Someone yells as she jumps back on the other side.
Emmett jumps to along with me.
He's gonna get hurt.

I try and push Emmett out the way when a wolf tries to come at him.
It happened so fast.
I feel the claws tear my body along with Emmett's weight and how hard we fall into the rocks with water.

I scream out in pain as Emmett jumps up.
My whole body feels nothing but pain.
"MORTICA!." I hear Ava yell.
I feel venom tears in my eyes.
I can hear everything.
I hear howls and growls along with Emmett's hard growls of frustration.

I can see him and Paul having a stare down.
The rest of the pack comes.
I'm still in so much pain.
Embry whines as he gets closer to me but so does Ava and liz.
Paul and Emmett still having a stare off.

"She's my sister let me help her your pack has done enough damage to my family." Ava hissed.
Making embry and Jared growl at her.
"Please!, STOP!...fighting." My whole left side felt terrible.

Time skip

Carlisle had sorta fixed me.
My whole left side had basically been shattered.
I would heal later but right now I felt nothing but pain.
I wanted to cry but I couldn't.

"Mortica." I hear and embry comes into my view.
I could really look at him with my right eye.
"Embry." I whisper.
He grabs my good hand.
"Oh god doctor vamp said you would be okay but you don't look okay." He sits down running his hand through my hair.

"I don't feel okay either." I respond closing my eyes.
He kisses me and I want to smile but like I said my whole left side hurts.

"Me and Paul had a fight." He starts "why?"
"For hurting you."
"It wasn't Paul's fault, Emmett just got to caught up in the chase, we all did."

"Yeah I guess so, Paul told me to tell you he's sorry dark queen." I chuckle but then groan in pain.
"I forgive him."
"Yeah I'm glad Carlisle let me come here to see you or else I might've broken the treaty." "I'm glad too"

We sit smiling at each other.

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