Untitled: Part 13

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The first time I met you,

My heart whispered, that's the one.

You're all my heart talks about,

Every day I am falling for you hard.

You are my best friend,

You are my soulmate.

You are my happily ever after,

My dream come true sweet lover.

My one and only heartbeat,

My life, the reason I smile every day.

My whole world who made my life complete,

My forever true love who I'll always love.

You are the best thing I never planned,

I want all of my lasts to be with you.

If it's not you then I wouldn't love again,

I would rather just die instead of falling in love.

I want to be with you till I breathe my last,

I don't want the entire world to love me.

Or care for me because I only want one person,

And that one person is you.

A soulmate doesn't have to a lover,

Sometimes it's your best friend.

I am lucky and glad to call you mine,

I'll never hurt you and always will love you.

I almost gave up on love but then I met you,

Everything changed for the better.

It's the connection we can't explain,

You had my heart before I could say no.

Words can't describe how grateful I am,

To have an amazing person like you in my life.

You are like my Romeo who I've been looking for my whole life,

And I am your Juliet, who you've been looking for your whole life

My love for you will never end my beloved melancholy,

I love you from my heart and more than anything.

Thank you for making me smile when I am down,

And for the reason to make me  laugh every day.

I don't care what the world thinks of us or rebelled,

If there was no one on my side in danger I would not fear,

Because I know my love will be always there for me,

My star in the night sky and my other half my lover.

Through ups and downs, we'll endure together,

Our love, a flame eternal, so strong and pure.

For you, my darling, I'll be forever true,

In this poem of love, I'll always write for you.

With you, my love, every season find its bloom,

Through rain or shine, our love will always consume.

In each passing day, our love continues to grow deep,

A love that surpasses all measure and will.

So, let these words be a testament, my dear,

Of the love we share, forever crystal clear.

You are the muse that sets my soul aglow,

My love for you, eternally, will continue to grow.

Anthology Of Love(Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now