Untitled: Part 39

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In a world where equality should reign,

Yet gender disparities persist, causing pain,

Let us explore this issue through poetic verse, 

And strive for a world where all genders converse.

Inequality, a shadow cast over the land, 

A stark reminder of what we must withstand, 

For in the hearts of women and of men, 

Lies a shared humanity, time and again.

But history's pages tell a tale so grim, 

Of gender bias that's grown limb by limb,

 A hierarchy woven into the fabric of time, 

Where men held power, and women, a chime.

From ancient cultures to modern-day strife,

 Gender inequality has cost a human life, 

The chains that bound the daughters of Earth, 

Must be shattered to prove our true worth.

Yet, hear the voices of women rise,

Challenging the norms, reaching for the skies, 

They bear the weight of expectations high,

But through their strength, they touch the sky.

For in the depths of every woman's soul, 

A story of resilience, of becoming whole,

They've fought for rights, for their rightful place, 

In this grand mosaic of the human race.

Let us not forget the sons, too, in this plight, 

Trapped in stereotypes, they must fight, 

To express their feelings, to break the mold,

 And find their worth in hearts and souls.

Gender is not a prison, nor a decree,

But a spectrum of being, diverse and free,

Let's break the chains, release the binds, 

To embrace the beauty of all genders' minds.

Equality is not a distant dream, 

It's a beacon of hope in the darkest stream, 

We must walk together, hand in hand, 

To create a world where all can understand.

The journey is long, the path unclear, 

But with courage and love, we'll persevere, 

For in the end, we're all one human race,

 And equality for all is a goal we must chase.

Let us rise above bias and disdain,

 And work towards a world free from the chain, 

Where gender is not a divide or a wall, 

But a celebration of the beauty in us all.

The bitter reality of today's world is surprising,

Women are belittled and torn apart by misgyny,

They can't do this or become that, they aren't equal,

Women are capable of anything and can do things.

Both genders deserve equal respect and not judge,

Women are born to rule and lead the world also,

They exist for perfection and not for beauty standards,

They aren't objects nor toys to be played with.

Women aren't just for being a supportive partner,

Or only for raising kids, they are created for great things,

They can work, be innovative, be powerful and amazing,

Beside a great man's success, there's always a great woman,

Without every women's sacrifices no men could succeed,

Through thick and thin women always stood by their sides,

Behind every glory and victory men achieved it was possible.

Because of women's dedication and contribution to their life,

Women don't need a man to surivive in their life always,

Not all men deserve pure hearted women in their lives,

Breaking women's heart is starting a cold war against reality.

No more verses like patriarchy or powering over women,

They are not bound to bow down to men or listen to them,

Women don't need a crown or kingdom to rule over

They have their intellingence and grace to rule over.

This is not about liberating women's rights but to break,

The stereotype made within both genders in the world,

The world needs peace and harmony with men and women,

Living and giving one another equal respect instead of mocking.

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