Untitled: Part 56

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In the heart of the blossom, under the sun's gentle sway,

Awakens the Earth, to the song of spring.

Spring is the artist, and life is her clay,

She paints the world anew, in colors so vibrant.

Blossoms of all colors and fields so vast green,

A more enchanting sight there has never been.

The air is sweet, with a fresh floral fragrance,

Spring's gentle touch makes the world serene.

Butterflies dance, in the soft, yet warm light,

Under the azure Sky, oh what a sight.

The world is so alive, in  day and night,

Spring's pleasant song is pure delight.

In the heart of nature's bloom, where dreams take flight,

There lies a season wrapped in sheer delight. 

Spring, oh Spring, with thy gentle embrace, 

Awakens the world from its wintry haze.

Beautiful trees are filled with magnificent flowers,

Even the grasses become so lively and firm.

Group of majestic bees collect honey from flowers,

And go back to their respective hives so golden.

The meadows dance with daffodils in tow, 

As tulips whisper secrets, their petals aglow. 

The scent of jasmine, a fragrant embrace, 

Fills the air with promises of grace.

In every gentle raindrop, a whispered kiss,

As nature rejoices in eternal bliss. 

The rivers sing, the brooks they babble, 

In Spring's embrace, all woes unravel.

With each passing day, the sun shines anew,

Warming the earth with its golden hue. 

The symphony of life, in full bloom,

 Sings praises to Spring, in every room.

Spring is the season of love and rebirth,

It paints the world so golden and red.

In the heart of spring, on the fourteenth of Februray,

Valentine's are celebrated every year around the world.

Valentine's is not just spending time with your significant other,

It is also meant for close family, friends and loved one's.

Spring just gets lovelier and marvelous every single time,

That you won't be able to get your eyes off the nature.

Flocks of birds migrating to their homeland after winter retreat,

The clouds are chasing one another and having time of their lives.

The melodic songs sung by the cuckoo, makes hearts so whole,

Ears become mesmerized by it's beautiful rhythms so pure.

Oh, Spring, sweet Spring, with thy tender touch,

 You remind us of life's endless clutch.

In every bud that blooms, in every songbird's trill, 

You awaken our souls with a tranquil thrill.

So let us cherish this season divine,

With glowing hearts, like the sun's warm shine. 

For in Spring's embrace, we find our way, 

To love, to hope, to brighter days.

The aura, a symphony of sweet perfume, 

Carried by zephyrs, chasing gloom. 

The sun, a gentle, golden kiss,

 Painting the world in hues of bliss.

With every dawn, a new melody starts,

A chorus of birds, from hearts to hearts. 

Robins sing of love's sweet song,

As nature's rhythm plays along.

Streets filled with cherry blossoms everywhere,

Lovers walking around hand in hand.

Love is spread across the neighbourhood,

Nothing could be better than a day in spring.

Oh, Spring, you bring such wondrous cheer, 

Dispelling doubt, alleviating fear.

 Your touch, a balm to weary souls,

 In your embrace, the heart consoles.

With each new day, a promise made, 

Of life renewed, of love displayed. 

In Spring's embrace, we find our way, 

To hope and joy, come what may.

So let us revel in this season bright,

And cherish every moment's flight. 

For in Spring's embrace, we find our worth, 

And celebrate the miracle of rebirth.

Anthology Of Love(Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now