Untitled: Part 29

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In realms of grace, a Queen emerges strong,

Her presence radiant, where she does belong.

With every step, she treads a regal path,

A symphony of power in every heartfelt laugh.

That Queen is no one else but me, I am that Queen,

The Queen has gone through hell and pain in her life.

She won't bow down to anyone else or listen to them,

Her life is her kingdom and her intelligence is her throne.

Her gaze commands the stars to heed her call, 

In her enchanting presence, kingdom stand tall. 

A crown of dreams adorns her noble brow, 

A symbol of wisdom, grace, and the sacred vow.

She speaks, and hearts become her loyal knights, 

Drawn to the warmth of her majestic lights.

 Her words, a tapestry of eloquence and might, 

Guiding her kingdom through day and night.

She has been insulted many times and faced criticism,

But now no one will never dare to humiliate her ever.

If they do they will face consequences of their own evils,

She is not a heartless Queen, rather she is pure hearted.

In chambers draped with silken threads of gold,

 Her wisdom's treasures in stories are told.

 Empathy and kindness mark her sovereign reign, 

A Queen who turns each hardship into gain.

The sun bows down to kiss her radiant throne, 

As she claims her power, a destiny of her own. 

With strength and grace, she leads her realm's parade,

 A Queen unyielding, undaunted, unafraid.

She has no royal blood nor was she born to be a Queen,

She leads her life like a Queen, her pain is her power.

She will create her destiny and write the future in silver,

She does not need a King in her reign, she is enough.

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