Untitled: Part 57

77 16 3

In the cosmos of life where shadows play,

Two silhouettes stride, distinct yet in sway,

The optimist, with eyes bright and bold,

The pessimist, whose gaze seems cold.

In every tale they take their place,

A study in contrasts, a timeless race,

For where one sees the dawn's soft glow,

The other spies the dusk's shadowy throw.

The optimist, a dreamer true,

Sees hope in skies of deepest blue,

In every storms, a silver line,

In every loss, a chance to shine.

With heart alight, they face each day,

In search of joy along the way,

They plant the seeds of future dreams,

And dance upon life's flowing streams.

But opposite stands the pessimist's view,

Their gaze clouded by a darker hue,

In every smile, they shed a tear,

In every laugh, a looming fear.

For them, the world's a somber place, 

Where shadows lurk and fears give chase,

They brace against the winds that blow, 

And guard against life's piercing woe.

Yet in their contrast lies a truth profound,

A symphony of light and shade unbound,

For where the optimist sees endless light, 

The pessimist keeps shadows in sight.

In balance they reside, these two,

In every heart, a bit of both, it's true, 

Where life's a tapestry of dark and bright, 

Where optimist and pessimist unite.

For life may contain hardship and odds,

But to survive you need both of these,

Strength and courage is needed to face reality,

Always see the light beneath the tunnel.

Giving up is betraying yourself for better,

If you choose pessimism not optimism,

You will never outcome the struggles,

It is better to remain positive and hopeful.

The world can be harsh sometimes,

You have to stand up for yourself,

No matter the circumstances ever,

If you chase your fears, then it's all over.

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