Untitled: Part 41

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Once upon a time in a land unknown, 

Where stars danced and moonbeams shone, 

Lay a realm of magic, both near and far, 

A place where dreams were written as a memoir.

In this kingdom of whimsy and delight, 

Lived a Princess fair, in the softest light.

 Her name was Elara, with hair like fire, 

Her laughter, a melody, joy to behold.

Elara roamed through fields of flowers bright, 

With butterflies swirling in sheer delight, 

She sang with the birds in the azure sky, 

Her heart brimmed with kindness, soaring high.

She was raised to be a strong and confident Woman,

Her Parents so proud of their only precious daughter.

The King and Queen whose love brightens the kingdom,

Have Elara as their only surviving succesor to the throne.

The Queen prepared Elara to be the best ruler as she can be,

As future Queen she was taught to be compassionate and fair.

To love and care for the people in the kingdom and outside,

Her father said when time will come she will be crowned.

Elara ever since growing up, always wanted a faithful husband,

Someone who will love all her flaws and beauty within inside.

He must be bold and brave, ready to protect her at all costs,

He must be beautiful from the heart to his outside beauty.

One fateful day, in the emerald glade, while wandering around nature,

She met a prince, in the woodland's shade from another Kingdom.

Prince Aiden, noble, with mystical eyes and gold hair, 

 His presence alone, a magical allure attracted Elara's heart.

Their eyes met, a spark ignited there, 

A moment suspended in the fragrant air. 

Aiden offered his hand with a gentle plea, 

"Your Highness, will you walk with me?"

Thus began their journey, hand in hand,

Exploring the wonders of their enchanted land. 

They danced in meadows 'neath the silver moon, 

Their love, a blossoming, harmonious tune.

But jealous eyes watched from the dark,

A maiden with a heart stark, envious of Elara's radiant grace.

 She plotted to rob her of this happy and everlasting place,

With spells woven in shadows deep, the maiden stirred in restless sleep. 

A curse she cast on the lovely pair, 

To bring them trials, love's test to bear.

Aiden and Elara faced trials untold, their love tested, their spirits bold,

Through tempests wild and darkest night, They clung to hope, their love alight.

They braved storms and faced the abyss, 

Conquering fears with a tender kiss. 

For true love, unyielding and pure, 

Is a force no curse can long endure.

With bravery, kindness, and hearts aglow, 

They shattered the curse, dealt the final blow. 

The sorceress vanquished, her power undone, 

Peace returned as they welcomed the sun.

Their love, a tale sung by the bards,

 Echoed through the land, among the stars. 

A testament to love's enduring might, 

A lantern of hope, a guiding starlight.

With their love having been tested and stand firm,

Aiden asked his beloved to marry him and be by his side.

So they had their happily ever after, their wedding took place,

Everyone from their Kingdom witnessed the lovely ceremony.

Elara's Parents were so proud and happy for their daughter,

She finally found someone who deserves her love and happiness.

Who completes her and is the other half of her entire existence,

Elara has been the happiest she ever has been her whole life.

And so, in this realm of wonder and glee, 

Aiden and Elara, forever free, their love, a legend for ages to come.

In a fairytale land where dreams are spun and told for ages to arrive,

One day they will rule the Kingdom together, their love will blossom.

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