Untitled: Part 62

59 11 4

I could say my love,

For you is deeper than a million oceans, 

A never ending story,

 Like the timeless moments we spend together. 

I could say my love for you Is greater than the stars,

That shine up high or brighter than the moon,

 That sparkles at night, I could use many phrases,

Similes or metaphors, that try to capture the way I feel about you. 

I've tried, word after word,

Phrase after phrase, yet in the end,

All that's left is I simply love you,

No fancy words or secret meanings,

Just love, my heart decided. 

That's how I feel about you, 

Entirely and spiritually,

I smile just by the thought of you,

You mean the world to me.

I adore you more than verses can weave,

I am so glad you're in my life,

A day without you is like a year without rain.

Your love sets fire to the rain and my soul,

Like sands of time, your essence has reached,

The river Nile, so magnificent by its beauty,

Or in the land of barren, where there has been.

Neither signs of life or water,

Hence, you're heart is like velvety night sky,

So peaceful and your presence is loving,

The way you touched my heart was ethereal.

You're so innocent and pure,

The weather changes when we talk,

Sun rises and sets in same time,

How time passes but we never care.

I'll always be there for you no matter what,

I trust you more than myself,

Losing you is not in my wildest dreams,

In a world so cruel you're my truth.

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