Untitled: Part 60

69 11 8

In life's grand dance, we take our stride, 

Through valleys low and mountains wide.

With every step, a story told,

 In hues of silver, and gleams of gold.

The dawn awakes with whispers bright, 

A canvas painted with morning light.

Each day a chance, a brand new start, 

To mend the pieces of the heart.

But in stormy seas and tranquil shore,

 We learn to stand, to strive for more.

In every tear, a seed of grace, 

A chance to find a higher place.

Though shadows linger, fears may rise, 

Hope shines through the darkest skies. 

For in the depths, we find our might,

 And turn the darkness into light.

You never know what will happen the next day,

The unexpected might occur leaving you clueless.

Questioning your heart, why did you fall for someone,

You can't have, yet in the contrast life is unpredicted.

Asking many unanswered questions leaving your heart lifelss,

A twisted fate, never ending misery, like a sinking ocean,

Which makes you dive deep where all your fears and worries.

Lurk within the darkness of catastrophe and danger,

Life is really a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings.

Or you did something impeccable which can't be rewinded,

Still things will get better, life gets hard it gets messed up.

For beautiful things can be experienced throughout,

And see the light of hope and a new begining of life.

In laughter shared and dreams unfurled,

In every corner of the world.

The symphony of life's embrace, 

Resounds with love, in every space.

So let us journey, hand in hand, 

Across the shores of shifting sand. 

For in the journey, we find our worth, 

And in life's tapestry, our souls unearth.

Though storms may rage and winds may blow,

 Know that within you, a light does glow.

For life is a gift, a precious treasure, 

Cherish each moment, every joy, every pleasure.

Life's melody plays, in highs and lows, 

A symphony of laughter, tears, and echoes.

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