Untitled: Part 35

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In a world obsessed with standards, 

Where beauty's judged by decree,

 There's a vital truth we must embrace, 

The beauty within you and me.

For bodies come in every form, 

A symphony of shapes and sizes, 

Each a canvas for our life's journey, 

A testament to life's surprises.

From the slender to the curvy, 

From the short to the tall, 

Each body tells a unique story,

 A narrative that's worth it all.

In every freckle and in every scar,

In every curve and every line,

There lies a tale of strength and grace, 

A testament to the human design.

For beauty isn't just skin deep,

 It's the radiance that shines from within, 

It's the confidence to love oneself, 

And let self-doubt and judgment thin.

Never get too blinded by body stereotypes,

Don't cut or starve yourself for being different,

There aren't any words like "skinny" or "obese,"

It's about being healthy and in good shape always.

Every form of body is beautiful trust me,

All sizes are unique and radiant in their own,

Learn to appreciate your body just the way it is,

For hating on it will mean hating on yourself.

There's no term such as "hour glass figure,"

Nobody is perfect and don't be shattered ever,

Don't be fooled what you see online everyday,

Don't change for anyone please always be you.

No need to conform to the world's ideals,

 Or to hide beneath society's mask, 

Embrace your body, love yourself,

 In your skin, that's where beauty basks.

In the eyes of your loved ones, 

You're a masterpiece, a work of art, 

And it's time to shatter those mirrors, 

That tear your self-esteem apart.

You are more than the number on a scale,

 Or the reflection in a glass, 

You're a warrior, a survivor, 

In this world, you are a class.

So stand tall, stand proud, and own your skin, 

Let your heart and soul take flight, 

For you are a beacon of body positivity, 

A shining star in the darkest night.

Let's celebrate diversity,

 In every color, shape, and size, 

Let's embrace our bodies and ourselves, 

With love, acceptance, and no disguise.

In the grand tapestry of humanity, 

Each thread contributes to the whole, 

And when we cherish our own bodies, 

We empower others to love their soul.

Don't let anyone belittle you for your body,

You are who you are and their remarks,

Doesn't make you the person you aren't,

You were born for great things so be grateful.

So let's spread the message far and wide, 

That body positivity is here to stay, 

For in the strength of self-acceptance, 

We find the light to guide our way.

Let's build a world where all are free, 

From the shackles of self-doubt and shame, 

A world where body positivity thrives, 

And every body is honored, not defamed.

In this journey of self-love and grace,

 May we find our common thread, 

And weave a tapestry of acceptance, 

Where all bodies are beautifully led. 

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