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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

The bickering between her and Blake continued.

The ignoring game between her and her cousin continued.

The tense atmosphere that always settled when she was present continued.

It all continued.

"Fine, you sick piece of—" 

Mira stuffed a piece of bread into Athena's mouth.

Athena scowled and Blake grinned widely. "Mira, you're fucking great."

"I didn't do it for you," snapped Mira, annoyed at him.

Harper nudged him and gave him a sharp look to which he rolled his eyes but slumped back into his seat.

"Okay, you two," said Emmet, shooting Athena and Blake dirty looks, "That's it, we're all so done with you, it's annoying. Henry, back me up, man."

Henry looked up from his phone and Athena almost laughed at how awkward he looked. 

"I . . . Uh, yeah, it's enough, I guess . . . "

Everyone turned to look at him and his face turned red.

"What?" he said defensively. "He's an adult and she's seventeen, they can make decisions for themselves."

"Wonder why I've been locked in here if I'm old enough to make decisions," said Athena loudly, her eyes on the ceiling.

"Look," said Emmet, shaking his head, "I can't stand this bickering between you two, seriously, sort it out. Athena, you're in your room for twenty-two hours and the two hours you're out of it, you two are at each others' throats."

"His fault," she said, jerking her thumb in Blake's direction.

"Like fuck it is!" he argued, sitting upright in his chair.

"Fucking stop it, I said!" snapped Emmet, standing up and slamming his hand down on the table. 

Athena didn't waver as she stared at him with a certain coldness in her eyes. "Ooh, I'm so scared, Emmet, really scared." And for an extra effect she gasped dramatically and pointed at her hand. "I'm shaking! Can you see it? Oh, dear God!"

Emmet's glare was harsh as it settled on her. "You've been nothing but trouble since I knew you, I'm so sick of you."

"Emmet, mate—" started Henry.

"No, let him get it off his chest, cousin. Looks like someone else is just dying to get me back home, huh?" said Athena with a small grin. 

Henry flinched.

"If you two don't stop this—" started Emmet, calmer this time.

"You're going to do what?" challenged Athena, standing up to face him. "What are you going to do, Emmet? Please tell because I'm dying to know here." 

"I'm not going to do anything, Athena, just stop this, both of you," he said with barely controlled anger.

"Nah, I quite fancy messing around, what are you gonna do about it?" she said, shrugging.

Something about getting on their nerves satisfied her. Payback for dragging her on this trip when they knew she didn't want it.

Emmet's hand raised in the air as though he was going to hit her.

There was an instant uproar, the boys all stood up and Mira pushed him back, screaming at him.

Athena laughed coldly and they all turned to her. "Guess we know now how popstars act backstage."

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