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Angelina Fonzii

I'm wearing an all black outfit I borrowed from Alisa.

I'm wearing an all black outfit I borrowed from Alisa

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We both leave her room and meet the boys downstairs.

Domenico's eyes shift towards our direction and away from Luca.

He stares me up and down and I swear to god if I wasn't mad at him right now my knees would probably give out.

I truly curse the genes in this family for making my life so much harder right now.

Like literally harder.

"Let's go losers I wanna get this one over with," Alisa breaks the silence.

"You're coming with me and Luca and my brother will go together," Alisa says, so we head to the mansion's second garage on the other wing.

"God bless your soul for letting me drive," I tell her as I enter the driver's seat and she sits in the passenger's seat

What I really meant was god bless her for separating me from Domenico.

She laughs.

Domenico sent me the location so I followed it on my gps.

We pass by Domenico's car a few times on the way there and I purposely speed up every single time.

However Luca surpassed us both, multiple times on his bike.

His own cousin couldn't take his attitude and took his own ride there.

I didn't take him for a motorcycle kind of guy but I took note of it.

When we arrive Domenico wastes no time explaining the mission.

The energy of all three of them seem to shift, they're not the playful Morettis anymore they're focused.

You'd think they were completely different people, Lucas' personality switch shocked me the most. However it makes sense. I'm serious when it comes down to the actual action part of my job as well.

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