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Angelina Fonzii

I faintly hear Domenico's angry voice repeating,

"We should've fucking left earlier when I said so Luca," he shouted."

If I could see him clearly right now I'd bet his hands were both clenched in fists but my mind is elsewhere.

It's like I'm moving subconsciously and my mind is stuck in that room with bullets just barely grazing my skin, my feet planted and eyes locked on him.

I haven't seen that fucker in years.

Alisa helps me into the car and lays me down in the back seat.

I rip a piece of my shirt and wrap it around my arm where I'm wounded to stop the bleeding.

I could hear Luca and Domenico shouting and arguing from outside the car.

Before Alisa enters the driver's seat she shouts something at them along the lines of shutting the fuck up and getting home asap.

Luca drives off in a hurry revving his motorcycle, he's obviously pissed.

Alisa starts the engine and there's a knock on my window which pulls me out of my thoughts.

It's Domenico.

Alisa rolls down my window and he leans over.

"How's your arm?" His face shows zero emotion but I know he's still beyond angry after everything that went down.

"Fine." I reply looking at the seat in front of me, avoiding his eye contact.

I feel his hand gently wrap around my arm, slightly applying pressure and I hiss.

"Get her home quickly and safely, I'm right behind you." He says to Alisa.

She rolls my window up and starts driving.

"So are you gonna tell me why the fuck that guy thought you were some other chick or what, why'd you panic?" Alisa makes eye contact with me through the mirror.

I stare back for a moment before answering.

"I- he just looked a lot like my ex is all, I um- was overwhelmed..."

Technically not lying, just being dramatic.

She's not who I'm worried about when it comes to believing my lies anyways.

"Look, this is the exact reason Domenico was hesitating on letting you come on this mission, sure you can fight but you have to know when to flight in these things as well, no matter the circumstances or who you think you saw."

Alisa's basically lecturing me.

Yes mom, I almost tell her.

I nod my head and swallow, now realizing how dry my throat is.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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