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Isabella's POV-

The boys were setting up the table as me and mia made the food and dom grilled some chicken on the bbq outside.

Brian was here.

I hadn't let myself feel anything yet,I hadn't let myself think about anything either.

I was just.....there.

Physically present but absent in every other aspect.

And then Vince showed up with groceries.

"I'm outta here."

Vince said when he saw Brian.

"Wish I could do that"

I muttered for no one in particular to hear.

"Come on, dog. Yo, Dom."

Leon tried

"Vince, get over here and give us a hand."

Dom tried next.

"Looks like you got all the help you need, brother."

I rolled my eyes in e more. He's so dramatic....hes not wrong but so dramatic.

"Mia! Bella! The chicken's dry."

"All right. We're coming out already."

Mia answered for us

"Here you go."

I said as I put the food down on the table and took my seat next to dom.

Jesse then reached for the chicken. House rules man, house rules.

"Hey, hold up. Because you were the first to reach in to get the chicken, you say grace."

We all got ready to pray.

"Dear heavenly..."


Leon helped

"Spirit. Thank you. Thank you for providing us with a direct port nitrous injection....four core intercoolers and ball-bearing turbos...and titanium valve springs.Thank you."

We all smiled and slightly giggled as he said grace.

"Amen.Not bad."

I told him

Everyone went around saying their amens.

"He was praying to the car gods, man."

Letty commented

We were all talking and having fun but I couldn't bring myself to eat.

I played with my food while i listened to everyone and said a few words every now and then so it wouldn't be that noticable.

Vince then finally walked back .

"Look who it is. "Old Coyotes 'R' Us."

Leon said when he saw Vince.

"I thought you weren't hungry, pumpkin."

I asked him

"You know, I gotta eat."

"He's always hungry."

Letty said

"All right, sit down."

Dom told him and Vince quickly gave him and me kiss on the head before sitting down.

"How you doing, Mia?"

"Let's eat some grub, man."

Letty said and everyone started eating.

I made myself eat a little bit but my appetite had blown.

After brunch we all went to work on the cars again and before we knew it it was getting dark out.

"Want to rent a movie or something?"

"Yeah. I'll go get us something."



"Be back soon"

Everyone went in and settled on the couch and the floor as I went to go rent us a movie.

On the drive i couldn't stop thinking about everything and I guess I finally felt everything I'd been trying not to.

I didn't cry though, I wasnt even 'angry' it's like I felt everything all together but I didn't let myself react to it.

Does that even make sense? Probably not.

When i walked in I saw Vince storming off screaming something about
"make your own goddamn popcorn"

He pushed past me as he walked out and I just stood there confused.

"Wtf happened?"

Everyone just shrugged and then mia and Brian walked out from the kitchen.

I think I have an idea of what happened.


I said as i gave Leon the film to put in.

I started walking up the stairs.

"You're not watching with us?"

"I am. I'll be there in just a minute."

I walked upstairs and into the washroom,quickly changing into some comfortable clothes before I pulled out a ciggerate and lit it up.

I tried to get through it as quick as possible before I ran downstairs.

I settled onto the couch next to dom.



He kissed me and when he pulled away his eyebrows furrowed.


He just stared at me for a second before nodding his head a 'no'.

We watched the rest of the movie and at some point i must've fallen asleep because the next morning I'd woken up in our bed.

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