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Doms pov

We pulled into the garage and everyone was working.

Especially bella.

I'll bet you anything that she definitely has taken no breaks.

I walked out and walked up to her.

She had glanced at us once.


I said as i came up behind her


She said back.

She wasn't turning around.

Definitely been working all day.

My hands squeezed her waist slightly, making her finally turn around.

My hand came up to her neck as my thumb caressed her cheek.

"You been working all day?"




"What do you mean why? I gotta get er done"

She said tapping her car.

"You can take breaks."

"Race wars is in a week. There are no breaks"

"God you need to stop being such a workaholic"

She just chuckled.

"How'd it go with blondie?"

"He wants in"


"He wants in"

I repeated

"In on the...trucks? no."


"No. Why are you including the dude? We met him like three weeks ago"


What was going on?

"What? No. I don't want him to be in on this."

"Why? He's not.....yet atleast...but why does it matter?"

She seemed so freaked.

For what?

Is something going on?

"What'd you tell him?"

"I told him we'd see how he did at the races and then we'd figure."

She just stared at me.

"What's going on with you?"


She said as she started to walk away.

I pulled her back in.


"Don't 'dom' me. What's going on? You don't like spilner or something? Did he say something to you?"

She just stared at me.

If he said or did anything



"I said no "

I just looked at her. Obviously concerned.

She walked over to her bag and pulled out a cig case.

"Bella c'mon"

We all groaned together as we saw her take it out.

What is going on with her?

She simply walked out of the garage.

I almost went after her but stopped myself.

Instead i went over to where Leon was and started working on the car.

I was still working when I heard Brian's voice.


I didn't pay any attention.


Yeah that definitely caught my attention.


I asked as i ran out.

Brian was carrying her.

She wasnt responding.

She didn't look responded.

She looked....dead.

It was horrible.

And I hate it.

"What the fuck happened?"

"I don't know man"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I was walking back out and she was leaning against the wall so I asked her if she was okay. She said she didn't feel good and 'call dom" and then like...collapsed..."


"Oh my god is she ok??"

Mia asked as she ran out and everyone was around her.

"What'd you do????"

Vince asked as he came up to brian,angry.

"Shut up"

I said. I wasn't in the mood to hear their boy fights.

Brian put her down on the grass and stood up

I took his place tapping her face lightly

She didn't even flinch

"Why isn't she waking up?"

Letty asked

"She's breathing right?"

Vince asked.

Genuinely concerned but only got angry glares from all of us.

"Let's take her upstairs"

I muttered before I picked her up and started walking in.

Letty opened the door for me.

I quickly walked up the stairs and into our room and put her on the bed, taking a moment to look at her.

"Do we need to take her to the hospital or something?"

"She's been working all day, I don't think she ate anything either. Its probably exhaustion."

Mia said

"And stress"

Letty added.

"If she doesn't wake up in another five minutes we'll take her to the hospital."

Mia said.

I was just sitting next to her.

This was not okay

She like... collapsed?

That is not normal.

After a few minutes she finally started to stirr.

I let out a breath I didn't know id been holding.

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