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Doms pov

We had bearly just woken up and she was already trying to run away.

"Where you goin?"

I asked

"For a walk. I'll be back soon"

She said as she kissed me.


"Uh-what do you mean no?"

"Don't go. Stay in bed with me"

I said as i rolled us around so she was splayed on top of me





She kissed me again before getting off me completely.

I whined slightly

"Stop being a baby"

"Only for you"

It was true.

She was the only person who got to see me like this.

She smiled at me before she quickly changed into some working out clothes.

A black workout set with a purple velvet jacket on top.

I stared at her as she got changed.

She was fucking beautiful.





She just rolled her eyes at ne

"Fine. I'll be back soon okay?"

She said as she walked over to me.

I was sat up now, just staring at her.

She kissed me and he grabbed my hips pulling me so that I was about to sit in his lap.

I pulled away and lightly smacked his arm.


I just smirked at he as she walked away.


Mia had come into the house in the morning.

I wasn't stupid.

I know.

I might kill Brian.

But I don't feel like having a conversation with my sister about how she slept with my friend.

I don't need to know my sister's sex life.

Bella then walked in with Leon right behind her.

Why was he here?

No ones supposed to come over so yet.

"You're early"

I commented looking at him

"Well I wasn't planning on coming over so early but your girl here almost got herself killed. So..."

I'm sorry what?



I asked as i stood up

Mia just had a concerned and worried look on her face.

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