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Brian's pov

"The DVD players were purchased legally. All we've got are a couple of low-rent weapons charges...and some outstanding speeding tickets."

"So, they're out.?"

"Yeah. Father bailed them out. Is this the kind of intelligence I can expect from you, O'Conner?"

"You're gonna put this on me?"

"I can put it on whoever I want to. Perks of the job."

"No, you can't put this on me--"

"No, wait a minute. Let me tell you. I don't care if you have to aim at someone and blow your cover to smithereens. You've got 36 hours to crack this bastard...or you might want to think
about another career."

"It's Toretto, Brian. It always has been Toretto. Tran and Hector are...They're just fumes. I know you've been lying to me. My question is this: Have you been lying to yourself because you can't see past Mia?"

"He won't go back to prison."

"Well, that's a choice he's going to have to make. There's all kinds of family, Brian. And that's a choice you're gonna have to make. You ready for this?"


I walked into the garage with mia.

She walked over to where Izzy and Letty were, Vince was giving me a death glare but i ignored it.

I do that a lot....just....ignore him.

'my' car was done finally.

So we were gonna take it out for a test drive.

As we got in Izzy came up to us.

"Where yall going?"

"Drive. Be back soon"

Dom answered.

She just walked away.


"Nice car. What's the retail on one of those?"

I asked as we stopped at a light next to a Ferrari.

"More than you can afford, pal. Ferrari."

The dickhead said

"Smoke him."


"So, what's wrong, Brian?"

Dom asked as we sat down.

"Nothing, man, I'm fine."

"Come on. Obviously something's off."

He tried again

"Look, I have my good days and bad days just like anybody else."

"Brian, don't lose that cool of yours. That's your meal ticket." My meal ticket? I can't pay for my own shrimp? I got the shrimp. No, that's one thing about me you don't understand. I don't take handouts. I earn my way, every step.

I need something extra on the side,like you."

I said quickly....

This was recon.

I needed to make sure it wasn't Toretto.

I think in the back of my mind ill always know it's him.

But i won't admit it.

Because it would make me a bad cop.

"What do you mean, like me? What's that supposed to mean?"

He asked

Maybe it's not him.

But i gotta keep it going.

"That's what I mean."

"What does that mean, like me?"

"Don't try--I'm not stupid, all right? I know that there's no way you paid for all that sh*t you got under the hood--"

I said slightly loud and dom signed for me to shut up

"--There's no way you paid for what's under the hood of those cars... by doing tune-ups and selling groceries. Whatever it is you're in on, I want in on it, too."

He stared at me for a second before he handed me a piece of paper.

Please god no.

"Well, what is this?"

"Read it."

"What is this for?"

"It's directions.To Race Wars."

See? Maybe he's not into shady shit.

Maybe he really does make a living by doing tune-ups and selling groceries.

"We'll see how you go.Then we'll talk."

Well shit.


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