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Brian's POV-

Today was the brunch.

I came early to help everyone with the food.

Mia and bella we're inside cooking the food as dom grilled the chicken and I helped.

After a while Vince showed up with a bag of groceries but the minute he saw me he started walking away.

"I'm outta here."

"Come on, dog. Yo, Dom."

Leon tried to get Vince to stay but he didn't listen.

"Vince, get over here and give us a hand."

Dom tried next.

"Looks like you got all the help you need, brother."

He said as he walked away.

"Mia! Bella! The chicken's dry."

Dom screamt

"All right. We're coming out already."

"Here you go."

Izzy said as she put the plate onto the table and sat down next to dom.

"Hey, hold up. Because you were the first to reach in to get the chicken, you say grace."

Dom said to Jesse.

This was different.

I wasn't used to this.

"Dear heavenly..."


Leon helped

"Spirit. Thank you. Thank you for providing us with a direct port nitrous injection...four core intercoolers and ball-bearing turbos...and titanium valve springs. Thank you."


"Not bad.Amen."

Izzy said.

"He was praying to the car gods, man."

Letty commented as everyone said their amens and started serving themselves.

Just then Vince walked into the backyard.

"Look who it is. "Old Coyotes 'R' Us."

Leon said

"I thought you weren't hungry, pumpkin."

Izzy commented making everyone chuckle.

"You know, I gotta eat."

"He's always hungry."

Letty said

"All right, sit down."

Dom said.

Vince quickly gave dom and Izzy a kiss on the head before sitting himself down.

"Let's eat some grub, man."

Letty said as she patted vince's back.

I looked around.

Everyone was laughing and talking and it looked like...a family...just like Izzy had said.

I looked at Izzy.

Something was wrong.

She was bearly eating, her smile was fake and she said a word or two to make it look like she was okay.

Just how she'd done when she was young right after mom and dad died.

It was because of me.

I know.

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