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Always, I'll care

Levi got a bad feeling the moment Jean walked inside the room holding two severely injured kids.

"Who are these kids?" The soldier couldn't get himself to look his captain in the eye as he spoke to him.

"Shizue-san...was shot. They took Lobov's gear and got to the ship." Jean looks down on the ground. "I don't think she'll make it.. captain."

Levi's blood ran cold the moment he heard her name. He immediately ran out the room without thinking twice. No. This shouldn't be happening. This isn't real.


Eren clenched his fists. His eyes wide in shock. This wasn't supposed to happen. No. This was the only way to save them, including her.

Shizue.... wasn't supposed to die in Liberio.

His eyes widened in horror the moment he saw Shizue's figure lying on the ground. Her bandages were all covered in blood.

"N-no... No! Shizue!" Levi broke down on his knees as he tried to caresses her face, trying to get her to regain her senses. Desperation took over him as he held her in his arms.

Shizue's face were pale white. Her eyes no longer held gleam, her lips stained with blood, and her hands were ice cold.

"Wake up." A silent wave of tears escaped through his eyes that stained Shizue's cheek. Levi continued to plead, but there were no more response. She was gone


It wasn't just despair, but a huge regret. He thought he was doing what's best for them, that they were saving the trouble of getting hurt but it didn't. They got hurt either way. He wasn't able to protect her, what's worse is that, Shizue died thinking that she was Levi's biggest mistake.

Not being able to tell her the truth, was his biggest regret.

Levi held her close as he continues to caresses her hair, muttering the same thing over and over again. "I'm sorry,"

He opens his left eye to glance at the person beside him. "What are you doing?"

"Caressing your hair,"


Shizue gazed at him and softly smiled. "Because it's what makes me feel better when I'm hurt. Now go to sleep."

The door clanged open as Hanji rushed inside the room. Their saw Shizue's unmoving body being held by Levi as if it was the most precious thing in the world. The man was staring to the abyss as his hands never stopped caressing her hair. It broke Hanji even more.

They took off their glasses as they wiped the tears on their eye, sitting beside the pink haired girl. Hanji's heart ached, upon realizing this would be the last time of them seeing her face. First it was Erwin. They've been together since their cadet years, and they never expected Shizue to follow after him.

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