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You're my world


The blue haired curse looked at Geto in disbelief after he uttered those words. It was a few hours before the attack on Shibuya, and the group were discussing the rest of the plan. Only this time, Geto had a change of mind on something, or rather, someone.

"I have something planned for Shizue,"

Mahito narrowed his eyes at the raven haired man. No. He can't just give her to him. This girl humiliated him, Mahito could still feel how her blood burned as it pierced through his skin. He can't let that slide.

He wanted to be the one to kill her.

Mahito let out an annoyed grunt. "No! I'll kill her. I called dibs first!"

"You should know that doesn't count."

"Stop it. Both of you." The atmosphere of the room immediately drops as the cold air envelops them all. Their eyes darted at the person behind them who held a silent but furious look in their eyes.

"I will be the one to kill Shizue Yamada." Uraume spoke sternly. Acertain pink haired sorcerer never left their mind. "She will regret killing my brother."

Mahito and Geto looked at each other in unison, its always been a hassle dealing with the gloomy curse user Uraume. This annoyed Mahito. 

"Whatever. First one to get to her, wins!"


"N-no! Get away from me!" The loud screeching of a curse user echoed though the dimly lit basement. His left leg was cut off yet he still tried crawled his escape, that was until a hardened blood pierced through his head. 

His eyes were wide open. It did not stop right there. The blood pierced through his head suddenly exploded. The white walls were decorated with the splatter of brains mixed with blood. Noritoshi gulped as he looked back at his older sister who held a blood mark on her right eye. Shizue's expression didn't even falter.

 This honestly frightened him a bit.

Noritoshi wiped the sweat on his forehead. This basement seemed to be filled with transfigured humans, not only that but countless of rogue curse users were scattered within the area. And worse of all, 

Gojo Satoru has been sealed.

"Senpai." A voice spoke from behind, catching the siblings' attention. 


"Its dangerous in here, there's too much transfigured humans, curses are lurking around here as well. We need to get out." The blonde man said to them, they were prepared to leave until they noticed the look on Shizue's eyes. 

"There's still humans down there,"  Her solemn voice caught their attention, Shizue caught sight of a curse lurking in the shadows. It has been there the moment they saw Nanami.

"Regroup with Itadori, they'll need back up. I'll follow you after this." She ordered but it didn't sit well right with Noritoshi.

"Wait. We're not leaving you here alone!" The ravenette said sternly. It was too dangerous of a gamble, they went in the veil together, there's no way he's leaving without his sister. Now that the strongest sorcerer is sealed it just proves that anything bad could happen anytime as long as they're in Shibuya.

"I'll be right behind you, Noritoshi. I promise." She turns her head to her sibling. He was conflicted. Noritoshi didn't want to leave, but that was her order.

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