Jujutsu 0

471 27 4


[Warning ⚠️: Mentions of suicide]


A young Shizue Yamada looked back at the Kamo estate one last time, she lost the strength to walk away the moment she saw her little brother in tears. It was too much for the young boy to handle, his own mother was just banished, and now his older sister too.

The only person he only considered family. 

"Please...don't leave."

Noritoshi's mother was abused and bullied by every clan member for being the mistress of the clan head, unfortunately, Shizue held the same fate for being an illegitimate child from another woman. She knew it would've been different if she agreed to reside with her mother who was very well of, but the thing is, she couldn't just leave her brother alone. 

But she was bound to, at some point.

"Come on, don't cry." Shizue smiled softly as she crouched down to his level, the boy continued to let out quiet sobs. 

"You said you wouldn't leave!" The boy yells at her in anguish. 

The older sister sighed. "Yes, I won't be living here anymore. But I promise, I'll still help you train and I will visit you everyday. How does that sound?" 

Noritoshi didn't want to accept it. The only thing he want is to be with her no matter what, he doesn't want to be apart from his sister. But, that was his only option. And with a heavy feeling, Noritoshi had no choice but to agree with her terms.

"You promise?"

Shizue smiled as she patter his head comfortingly. "Of course. I will never leave your side, Noritoshi."


Suguru's hands reached for the sliding door and opens it only to find an empty classroom. His other hand held a bag full of sweets. As he looked out the window, he caught glimpse of a certain strawberry-blonde female sleeping under a tree. A soft chuckle escapes his lips, he climbed out the classroom window and made his way towards her.

As he got closer, Suguru realized she held a cigarette between her lips, thought it was no longer a cigarette but a stick of ash. The man clicked his tongue as he reached for the filter and threw it away.

"Wake up, Shizue." Suguru spoke softly and gently poked her cheek. The girl begrudgingly opens her eyes and tilts her head up upon seeing a huge figure towering her. Shizue's eyes lit up.

"Suguru?" The man smiled and sat himself beside her. Shizue raised her brows as Suguru placed a paper bag on her lap. 

"A store just opened up near my place, it has all your favorites." Her eyes gleamed the moment she saw the contents of the bag filled with sweet treats. Suguru really didn't have to, but for Shizue, he was willing to spoil her with everything she likes. And during missions, Suguru always had to make sure he had at least one butter candy or a gum in his pocket.

"Please tell me I don't have to share this with Satoru." He laughed at her statement.

"Of course, I bought that for you. But you should really hide it well, that guy has an abnormal sense of smell when it comes to sweets." Shizue chuckled as she stuffed the bag inside her oversized jacket.

"Copy tha-"

"Yo! What do we have here?"


 A white idiotic blur suddenly popped between them that Shizue, out of reflex, punched the guy that only happen to be Satoru.

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