Chapter 17

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September 2019

"Your apartment is freakishly quiet without Cece." Zach walks into my bedroom with a bag of Doritos in one hand and a beer in the other. "Not only are you going to hate the silence, but you're also going to hate having to cook for yourself," he pauses, tossing a chip into his mouth. "Which reminds me, this was the only bag of Doritos you had, and the fridge is empty."

"Thanks for the update," I glance in Zach's direction. "I didn't comprehend how much I'd miss Cece's techno tunes or hearing her sing at the top of her lungs while she was in the shower. "

"Or tidying up after you."

I turn to where Zach is propped up on the bed behind me and smile. "Ha. Ha. Good one."

Over the summer, Reggie and Cece found an apartment off-campus and decided to move in together. It was a big surprise when she called me in New York to give me the news. Bridget and I were both sad to lose her as a roommate, but we were happy for Cece and Reggie in this next phase of their relationship. Tonight, they are hosting a housewarming party to celebrate.

"Where's Bridget?" Zach asks.

"She's already at the party," I say, and continue to rifle through my closet. I need to find something other than an oversized sweatshirt to wear. "She's helping Cece set up before everyone gets there."

"You've been back for a week, and your bedroom is already a disaster," Zach says. I turn around to see him digging through clothes scattered on my mattress. "You have clothes everywhere except where they should be, in a closet or drawer."

Zach triumphantly smiles when he discovers a red lace bra under the nearby pile. He hooks his finger around the strap and holds it in my direction.

I snatched it from him. "Give me that."

Zach barks a laugh, making my face turn red like my bra. "This can't belong to you. This bra is way too big for your tiny tits."

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"Come on, just tell me." Zach leans forward just enough to encroach into my space. "I've always assumed you wore an A cup."

"And I've always assumed you had a micropenis."

Zach scrunches up his face before lobbing a chip at me. "Yeah, okay," he says, "I've caught you checking out my gigantic bulge when I wear grey sweatpants."

"Okay, now you're just delusional," I laugh happily while pulling a black top from a hangar. "Think you'll miss Reggie at the hockey house?" I ask.

Zach considers this. "Well, yeah, but there are also six other guys living there, so the absence of one pussy-whipped dude ditching us for a nice apartment with his long-time girlfriend goes unnoticed."

I frown at him. "Wow. Look who's pouty that Reggie's moved out."

"I am not." Zach straightens, taking a long pull from his beer.

"You're gonna miss him," I tease. "Admit it."

"Never," he says.

Zach's phone rings and saves him from confessing the truth. He looks down at the screen. For a moment, I hope it's not Katrina looking for a ride to the party. I've been enjoying my time alone with Zach. He smiles when he reads the caller's name and flashes the screen at me: Mama Murphy.

I frown. "Why is she calling you and not me?"

"Because she loves me more than you," he says and clicks the call. "Hey Mama, what's up....." he asks, smiling. There's a slight pause before he continues, "Annie, your mom says hi."

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