Chapter 31

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Present Day

I knew I needed to make a change. I knew I needed to quit my job at Friar McKinley Capital Investments and accept the position Professor Donahue offered as a Professor of Finance at the University of Michigan. I knew I needed to book a flight to Italy and spend a month travelling the very journey my mom had intended before she passed. I knew I needed to keep her home and make it my own. After returning to Michigan, I knew I needed to repair my relationship with Zach. And I knew if I didn't make a change and continued to wonder what-if that in another thirty years into the future, I'd still be stuck in the same rut doing the same thing and possibly filled forever with regret.

My mom would've never wanted to see me live that way. I owed it to her to start living my life to the fullest, take more risks, and find love. I am ready to move forward.

But today, when my plane touches down in Ann Arbour after a month-long journey travelling solo through Italy and tasting the most exquisite cuisine, visiting the most iconic places, and bathing in the Mediterranean sun, I have a moment of panic. The reality I've avoided for the past thirty days hits me like a slap. I'm not panicking negatively. I'm more panicked with excitement to start my new career, remodel mom's home - that is now my safe haven - and finally reach out to Zach to salvage whatever relationship we may have left.

I texted him the second I hopped in a cab: Hey. It's Annie. I've moved back to Ann Arbor. I heard you are still living in Detroit. I was hoping we could meet in the middle for coffee. I hope all is well with you.

Hitting send was the easiest decision I had made in a while. Taking the time to find myself in Italy and reset my life had given me the clarity I never knew I needed. I sincerely hoped Zach wanted to meet for coffee. I had no idea what his response would be. It made me nervous to think he'd potentially turn down my olive branch. There was so much I needed to say to him, tell him, and apologize for that I couldn't fathom not finally making things okay between us. I needed him back in my life. I prayed he felt the same.  

I emailed the course materials I developed while in Italy to Professor Donahue to review before my start date next week on the short drive to my home. I paid the cab driver, retrieved my luggage from the trunk, and smiled at Mom's - I mean, my home. There is so much I want to do - like paint the front door and remodel the kitchen. I have so many gardens I need to tend and finally build that bench swing in the backyard garden like she always dreamed of.

I finally feel at peace for the first time in what feels like forever. I will always miss my mom. That longing for her will never stop. I know there will be good days and bad. But after taking the time to process her passing and make positive changes, I finally feel comfort in knowing she may not physically be here anymore, but I know she is with me. She's watching over me and will always be in my heart every step of the way.  

Rolling my luggage behind me and toward the gate leading to the backyard to access the backdoor, I notice it's unlatched.

Hm. That's odd.

I enlisted Cece to check in on the house while I was gone. I asked her to tend to Mom's perennial and vegetable garden and watch over things. Maybe she forgot to lock the gate the last time she was here.

I push open the gate and freeze.

I didn't move for what felt like forever, and my heart started to race. I tried to figure out if I was dreaming or imagining what was before me.

I was immediately struck by the vibrant colours and lush greenery surrounding me. Shades of pink, purple, red, and yellow blend together in a harmonious display. Colours I hadn't seen since before mom's diagnosis.

The fragrance of the flowers wafted through the air. In one corner, I spotted a cluster of delicate pink and white peonies, their soft petals opening up to greet the sun. Nearby, a row of lavender plants sway gently in the breeze, their fragrant purple flowers attracting bees and butterflies.

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