~Chapter 10•Frustration~

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•1st person•
"Alastor I'm fine." I cross my arms over my chest. I didn't expect him to be so stubborn.
"You are not. You are covered in cuts and bruises after coming out of the Vees building. What happened in there? What are you not telling me?" He narrowed his eyes and stepped closer. I'm getting frustrated with this man.
"I don't need you to protect me. Just let it go. You don't even know me, why care?" I turned my back to him.
"Because you are the future ruler of hell darling." He walked up behind me. "Speaking of that, whoever did this, you are the second most powerful demon. How did this happen?" I felt long cold fingers wrap around my throat and tip my chin up to look at him.
"Because. Just because." I pushed past him and grabbed my lighter. I walked out onto the balcony and lit a cigarette. I needed one. Of course he followed.
"Why are you so scared of telling me? You think I'll take advantage of your situation?" He stood by me. I looked over the railing. I scoffed.
"Shut up Alastor." I took a drag off my cigarette. My eyes filled with tears. He reached over and wiped my cheeks.
"You know you want to tell me." He patted my head. I didn't have the energy to swat his hand away.
"If I tell you, your lips better be sealed shut." He nodded.
"Of course dear." He put his arms behind his back. I put my cigarette out.
"The night Chuck left me and dad had a big fight. He thought it was my fault. He was scared how she would fair alone. I made a mistake in what I said. I said I could probably live in all rings of hell without powers. He took that as a challenge. So he sent me out without anything and slowly took my powers. They're fully gone now. He never told me what the conditions were for getting them back. It's wasn't even fair! Charlotte ran off with mom for the whole fucking time." Yes, by the end I was crying. Alastor held him hand out to me and I took it. He hugged me softly. I felt so stupid. I'm crying into an overlord's chest. He softly stroked my hair.
"And where did your wounds come from?" He put his finger under my chin to make me look up at him.
"Vox. When I came here I needed power. I was stupid, so stupid. He found me and made me someone. When angel told me about this place it was like an escape. Then he found me." I turned back and looked out over hell. Alastor said nothing after that. He put his arm around my waist and stood with me.
"Get to bed." And with that he walked out. It was like a command. Who does he think he is? Wait where the fuck is he going? Whatever, not my problem.
Words: 500
Willows notes: he knows 👀 we are getting closer to the man yay 🙌
*edited 2/8/24*

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