~Chapter 26•Speak Easy~

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•1st person•
"The fuck do you want dad?" I laid on my back in my bed. I hold my head which is in pain. Fucking hangovers.
"You're sister called me. She was scared to death."
  "Why? I'm fine if it's about me. I'm just in my room."
"The videos, Y/N!" I shoot up in my bed. Fuck. I forgot about last night or yesterday or whatever the fuck it was.
  "What videos?!"
  "You giving Alastor power! And you burning your contract! I told you never to sell your soul! Y/N? Are you listening to me?!" I hung up the phone and grabbed a robe. I rushed out and stood above the stairs looking over everyone. Charlie sees me and rushed to me.
  "Are you okay?" She hugged me.
  "I'm fine Chuck. Where is Alastor?" I put my hands on her shoulders.
  "He's in his radio broadcast studio I think."
  "Thanks Charles." I ran to the roof. I use my magic to get into his studio. I stand silently listening to him finish his broadcast.
  "Let Vox be a lesson to everyone that radio is not dead. With the princess of hell by my side you better watch yourselves sinners." He let out an evil laugh before his "on air" sign went dark. He turned in his chair. His eyes widened when he saw me.
"What in Lucifer's name did you do to Vox?"
"Just what you implied to do." He smiled and stood, making his way over to me.
"God don't tell me he's dead." I rubbed my temples.
"Why does it matter? He was a total fucking dick anyway." He tilted my head up. I didn't know Alastor even cussed.
"What matters is all of hell now knows I'm a Morningstar!"
  "Now everyone thinks I have favorites!" I put my head in my hands. He places a hand on my shoulder. I think I hear him mutter something before he pulls me into a hug.
  "You're trying to hard to be the angel part of you. You can't run this place like heaven. Stop being so hard on yourself kid." He pat my head. I don't know why but I feel like crying. I don't though.
  "You remember kissing me, right?" I look up. His eyes widen.
  "I what now?"
  "When you were drugged you kissed me." I sighed. "I thought you should know. You were being to sweet and keeping that a secret made me feel guilty." I laugh a sad laugh. "I guess I'm more angel than I thought." Alastor pat my head and thought a moment.
  "Would you like to go out?"
  "Remember that 20s style speak easy I took you to?"
  "Yeah, what about it."
  "We can go there to have some fun. How's that sound." He smiled but a soft one. I nodded.
  "Yeah okay sounds good." I wrapped my arms around his neck. He hugged me back around my torso. He was taller to he had to bend down slightly. "Thanks." I say quietly.
   After getting a little dressed up (wearing what Alastor gave me) we went out. The walk there wasn't long. I had to use my power to get to the greed ring, where the speak easy is. It was a fun place last time. We took our seat at a table by the stage.
"Better?" He sipped his white wine.
"Better." I sipped my red. I set the glass down and stared at the wine it held. "Do you still have the power I gave you?"
"You never took it back."
"You can keep it." He fell silent for a few moments, probably processing what I said.
"Why would you let me keep it? We made no deal."
"I trust you not to hurt my friends or I with it."
"You trust me?" I saw the corner of his smile twitch. I nod.
"Don't misuse it or I'll take it back." I look back at my wine after he nods.
  "Would you like to dance? For real this time, when you aren't drunk as a skunk." I smile and push my wine away a little.
  "Sure but I ain't much of a fast dancer. Never learned."
  "I won't push you." He snaps his fingers and the music turns slow. I gave this man to much power. He walks around and holds his hand out to me. I happily take it.
  "I'm surprised you didn't wanna teach me." He put his arm around my lower back and took one of my hands. I put my free hand on his shoulder.
"Too much time and stress for a 'care free' night. Besides I never got to finish my dance with you at the ball." He held my closer against him. My chest flush with his.
"Al, am I just a power source to you?" I looked up at him.
"No, not anymore. That was my plan at first though."
"What am I now then?" He looked down quickly before looking back into my eyes.
"I don't know. I haven't felt this way since I died." I knew he was telling the truth because he didn't use his radio filter. He was being honest.
"It's okay. Emotions take time. Don't force anything." I smile and his smile fades into a soft one. He puts his forehead against mine and we spend the rest of the song like that. I had butterflies whenever I felt his warm breath on my lips. Am I really considering dating the radio demon? That would make him the king of hell next. We'll see what fate has in store.
Willows notes: sorry this took forever to post. I've been really busy with school and work. I don't remember if I told y'all or not but I got 4th in state!!! More chapters soon 🫶

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