~Chapter 33•New Plans~

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      •1st person•
   "Angel Dust! Did you use my fucking makeup!?" I stand off the filling bed of Val's shooting room. A few weeks ago Angel had asked me to hang out with him at work and I happily obliged. After I started coming with him all the time. It can be a blast.
  "Maybe. It's not like you're using it."
  "You have a fucking sugar daddy! Why do you need mine!?"
  "Because you're my bestie, toots. And you got good taste." He plopped down on the bed, dragging my lipstick across his lips.
  "Fine, just don't use all of it." I walk away to go get some coffee. I don't turn when hearing the door open, expecting it to be Val. "Aye your pretty boy is using my makeup. Maybe you should take him shopping."
  "He isn't mine." Vox stood beside me, waiting to get coffee. I don't look up at him.
  "Sorry, I thought you were Val."
  "I noticed." He put his hand over my cup before I could drink it.
  "Hey what the fu-"
  "You know it has coke in it right?"
  "Like the drug?"
  "Yeah, why do you think I came all the way down here for coffee." He moved himself half way behind me, resting a hand on my hip. He took my coffee mug from me and poured it into his own.
  "Why are you drinking coffee with cocaine in it?" I look up at him. He was taller than me just like Alastor.
  "It helps to get through the day." He chugged the coffee before pouring himself another. This time I put my hand over his mug.
  "You should slow down."
  "Oh you care about me now?"
  "Don't fight me right now Vox." My hand remained firmly on top of the mug. He let go of the mug and I dumped it out.
  "Missed you kid." He kissed my forehead before walking off. I walked back to angel.
  "I thought you hated him." He threw my lipstick at me which I slipped in my pocket.
  "Me too, Angel, me too."
•back at la hotel•
"Welcome back my dear." Alastor greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and a hug. I returned the hug for a moment.
"Y/N Y/N Y/N, Y/N!!!!" Charlie ran at me and hugged me very tightly.
"Hey, what's up?" I gave her a tight squeeze back.
"Guess what! Okay I'll just tell you." She took a deep breath and held my hands in hers. "Dad called me. He said you're going up to heaven for a while."
"What? Aren't you going up to heaven soon for that meeting?"
"Today yes but after you're going up there."
"What the hell why?"
"He didn't tell me, but aren't you excited?!"
"No!" I let go of her hands and slid mine down my face with a frustrated groan.
"Why not? It's heaven!"
"Heaven hates me! And dad! And you! Nothing good is going to come from this."
"Cheer up, it might mean great things." She reached out for me again but I walked away. I'm not fucking happy about this. How long am I going to be away from my family and friends? Will I even be able to be here during the extermination? A knock came at my door after I closed it. Alastor walked in as I sat on my bed.
"You okay?"
"Obviously not."
"It'll be fun, I'm sure." He sat beside me and wrapped his lengthy arms around me, pulling me into him.
"No it won't. I've been to heaven before." I push away from him.
"There's something else, isn't there?" He tipped my chin up.
"Vox. We talked like actual people today. It felt weird and I don't know how to feel about him anymore." I avoid his gaze. He pulled me back to him without a word. For a while we stayed that way.
"Wanna go shopping?"
"Yeah." I looked up at him to be met with a soft kiss. We hadn't discussed anything relationship wise I don't suspect we will for a while now.
We shopped all day and packed the essentials for my trip. After Charlie got back she said a quick goodbye before running off to her room. I told her heaven wasn't fun. Then I went to heaven.
Willows notes:I'm slow but not gone. Here's a set up chapter

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