Chapter 3

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As soon as the lights turn off, I get away from him

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As soon as the lights turn off, I get away from him. Sprinting off stage.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

I push the door of my private lodge open and take my mask off.


I rarely dance in this club. I do it some nights because it's actually what I like to do. Dancing like this gives me the chance to evacuate the sexual frustration I encounter. And of course, the night I am asked to fill in for one of my sick co-workers, it has to be the night Ares comes onstage for his bachelor dance.

He had a spot of light behind him, so I only recognized him when our faces were close. It surprised me and if I could've, I would have run away. But in the middle of a dance, I couldn't.

And he was promised a dance.

I take big breaths and start to change into my daily clothes. My mind is rushing, and I am thinking of every way he could know it's me. Brown hair is definitely not unusual. Brown eyes neither.

As I turn around, I come face to face with my mirror and that's when I see it. The tattoo running down between my breasts. Exposed to everyone who was there tonight. He obviously saw it. If he were to see it on me again...

I shake my head, brushing the thoughts away, and hurry to put everything in my bag and slip on my hoodie and jacket. I make sure to place a cap on my head and then even make sure to pull my hood over it to hide my face.

I walk out of the room and make my way to the back entrance. I look around quickly to make sure no one is there and then run to my car. Once I am inside, I don't waste another second before starting the engine and driving away.

I'm overthinking.

What if he knew it was me?

He could tell it to then press. "Athena Davis, the multi-faced billionaire."

What if he uses it against me?

Does he know it's me?

What if he finds out?

Oh god. Oh god!

A horn pulls me out of my trance, and I step on brakes when the headlight of the car in front of me suddenly moves to the right.

I close my eyes, but nothing happens.

When I re-open them, I am alone on the road. The only light is coming from my care. There is no streetlight on this road. Nothing.

The car I almost hit isn't even here anymore.

I feel the lump in my throat. The burn behind my eyes, my lips tremble and the air becomes toxic.

Fuck. This. Shit

When I finally get home the only thing, I want to do is crawl under my sheets.

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