Chapter 8

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I feel the warmth of his body against mine as I start to wake up

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I feel the warmth of his body against mine as I start to wake up. I try not to move too much to not wake Theo, but I realize he is already awake when he says in his very raspy voice.

"Good morning." I turn around and push myself up so I can rest against the head of the bed.

"Morning." He does the same and sits next to me. There is a slight tension between us, and I know we can both feel it. I turn my head and look at his profile. His jaw is sharp, and his lips are perfect. He is really beautiful.

Somehow, I think we both know what we are about to talk about. It's just a matter of who's addressing the issue. But seeing how hard his breathing is and how his arms and chest muscles are flexing, he is holding back from doing it.

"I don't think we did this for the right reason." I finally say, and he immediately nods. "I know what you told Loes yesterday." His head turns to me, and an apologetic look starts to form in his eyes. "Oh no, don't make this face; you were right." He seems reassured by that but still confused. "I don't know what you are going through, and you are a really nice guy, and I really want to be your friend." I place my hand on his forearm, and my heart skips a beat when I am able to see for just a split-second immense darkness through his eyes. "If I can help, I want to, but not like this. Don't get me wrong, the sex is really good and everything, but we both know that it doesn't... help. At least not like we need it." He smiles and lets a small chuckle escape his mouth. I squeeze his arm and laugh too. "What?"

He turns his head to me and smirks.

"The sex is really good, hu?" he licks the back of his teeth, and I roll my eyes. I lift my hand and slap his arm, which only makes him laugh.

"Don't get cocky. It's not a good look on you." I laugh, get out of bed and walk out of my room, heading for the kitchen, avoiding the glass on the floor. I open the fridge and take out some orange juice. As I turn back around, I see Theo slipping on his second shoe. He comes up to me and pulls me closer so he can place a kiss on my forehead,

"Sorry, goddess, but I forgot that I need to help Lisa to take care of Sofia today."

"Ha-ha very funny, jokes about my name, so original." I fake laugh, and he winks at me with an awfully beautiful smile. "And Lisa? Sofia?"

"Lisa is Mile's sister, and Sofia is her daughter. I live with them and Miles."

"Oh, I didn't know. Well, have fun!" I call after him.

"Thanks, text you later!" He says back, and then the door closes. I smile at myself and drink my glass, putting the bottle back into the fridge. I put down my empty glass in the sink when I'm done with it and walk back into my room, taking off my PJ and getting ready to shower.

I grab my stereo, place it on the sink in my bathroom, and connect my phone to it. I open the water as I look for a good song. I'm in the mood for Rihanna. I put on shuffle a playlist of her best hit and can't remember to forget you start to play. Shakira's voice starts echoing into my bathroom. I get into my shower and sigh of contentment when the hot water hits my skin. I grab the shampoo bottle, but as I am about to open it, I hear the music and bring it closer to my lips, holding it like a microphone.

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