No Place Like Hell

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Later in the night at the Hazbin Hotel, the crew celebrates over Angel Dust's freedom.

Charlie: (excited) To freedom!

Everyone else: (excited) To freedom!

As minutes pass, Angel Dust sits in a chair.

Angel Dust: (excited) A toast to the savior who killed Valentino!

Alastor watches from afar, smiling.

Alastor: (calmly) One Vee down, two to go. Perhaps I should find out who killed Valentino. Perhaps they could be of great use.

Voice: (sternly) Alastor!

Alastor turns around to see Lucifer.

Lucifer: (annoyed) About yesterday, I need to know how and why you know about what happened to Lilith.

Alastor: (calmly) Don't have a panic attack, Your Highness. I just know things others don't, like the fact that the King of Lust is in love with a cyborg jester.

Lucifer: (annoyed) Everyone knows Asmodeus is in a relationship with that imp celebrity. It was confirmed a few months ago.

Alastor: (calmly) No need to worry. I have no intentions to weaponize such information against Charlie. This hotel means a lot to me, you know.

Lucifer: (calmly) Let's hope you're right, for your sake.

Meanwhile, up in heaven, Emily sits next to a table, looking through a window into the sky.

She was lost. Heaven was supposed to be perfect, but after everything, worst of all, the reality Sera, her mentor, her mother figure, had kept her in the dark about the exterminations. And now, even with the revelation that souls can be redeemed, from what Sera told her, she may be going straight to hell, or worse, all for questioning this corrupt paradise. She felt vulnerable, like a child.

Voice: (nervously) Miss Emily?

Emily turns around, seeing Sir Pentious.

Sir Pentious: (concerned) About... earlier this morning- WATCH OUT!

Suddenly, Sir Pentious pulls Emily to him as an Angelic staff is thrown through the window and into the wall.

The two angels turn to the now broken window, only to see Lute along with two Exorcists (all three wearing their Angelic masks) flying in the air.

Suddenly, Lute, with her remaining arm, points an Angelic sniper in Emily's direction and opens fire.

Quickly, Emily uses her wings to fly out of the way of the blast.

Emily, knowing the implications of what's happening, grabs Sir Pentious and flies through the corridor as Lute and her Exorcist goons land inside the building.

Emily and Sir Pentious zoom through corridors, desperately trying to escape the Exorcist assassins.

Sir Pentious: (panicking) Miss Emily, may I suggest a more direct strategy?

Back down the corridor, Lute, while flying, points her sniper directly at Emily's back and releases another bullet from the gun.

The bullet zooms through the corridor, catching Sir Pentious' attention.

Sir Pentious: (realizing) MISS EMILY!

But it is all but too late. As Emily attempts to fly out of the way of the bullet, it is able to shoot through Emily's left wing, causing her and Sir Pentious to lunge onto the floor.

Emily's left wing, along with her left arm, starts to bleed out gold blood as Lute and her Exorcist minions land in front of her and Sir Pentious.

Lute: (coldly) At least now I can have the proper satisfaction of killing a traitorous angel like you.

Lute points her sniper at Emily.

Sir Pentious: (calmly) I have only one thing to say to you, witch.

Lute turns to face Sir Pentious, only for Sir Pentious to use his tail to snatch Lute's sniper and opens fire, killing her two Exorcist idiots and shooting Lute in her right eye as she screams.

Sir Pentious: (calmly) I did... not expect that to actually work. I guess second times are always a charm.

Sir Pentious turns to the bleeding Emily, who loses consciousness as Sir Pentious, having his tail hold onto the sniper, picks Emily up with his arms.

Sir Pentious: (horrified) I must find a way to fix this. If only I had my egg bois. Wait, that's it!

At the gates to heaven, St. Peter stands outside with his golden book of names, waiting for the dead to enter heaven.

Suddenly, the gates are blasted open as St. Peter, in shock, drops his book and turns to see Sir Pentious carrying the bleeding Emily with the angelic sniper.

St. Peter: (shocked) Who are you? What have you done to Emily?

Sir Pentious: (annoyed) Oh, shut it, you naive fool. And to think, Heaven is supposed to be a better place to live than hell.

St. Peter nervously keeps his distance as Sir Pentious slithers past him.

St. Peter: (nervously) What exactly do you think you're doing?

Sir Pentious: (annoyed) What does it look like I'm doing? I'm leaving this toxic environment.

St. Peter: (nervously) You must be mistaken, sir. This is Heaven. There's nothing toxic here.

Sir Pentious: (annoyed) Tell that to Miss Emily here.

Sir Pentious reaches the edge of the cloud-like floor, looking down to see hell.

St. Peter: (realizing) Wait, hold on. YOU'RE NOT GONNA JUMP DOWN INTO HELL, ARE YOU?

Sir Pentious: (annoyed) Of course I am. So long, fake paradise.

And with that, Sir Pentious wraps himself and Emily with his tail and jumps down into hell as St. Peter runs to the edge and watches before looking back up.

St. Peter: (calmly) Well shit

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