Hell's Greatest Weapon

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Lilith eyes Vrak warily, a mix of curiosity and skepticism evident in her expression.

Lilith: (skeptically) What brings a Warstar angel to Hell, especially one with such grand ambitions? Considering you should be dead.

Vrak: (confidently) I've come seeking an alliance, your Royal Highness, and from what I've observed, you and your boy toy here share similar sentiments regarding the status quo of our world.

Lilith: (sternly) Why would I need your help?

Vrak: (calmly) Simple, I can succeed where many have failed. I know you want to return to your paradise as soon as possible, so unless you want to try half-baked plans, please, hear me out.

Lilith: (sternly) Fine, let's hear your big plan.

Vrak: (calmly) As you should know, I was stationed on the bridge of the Warstar ship before your daughter Charlie used one of my own potions to push my Admiral into the ship, destroying it. However, unlike my comrades, I survived, and now I have risen to the status of an overlord like my family before me, all so I can carry out my plan.

Lilith: (curiously) Which is?

Vrak: (calmly) To continue my experiments. The concept of Warstar was meant so we can find new ways to defeat our enemies. Unfortunately, due to my immortality potions, my comrades got overconfident and went into a full fight against our enemies, which led to a humiliating defeat. That seems to be the issue with us angels. Adam got overconfident and had Extermination Day be six months apart instead of a year, which led to his death, and the same thing happened to the Warstar division.

Lilith: (contemplatively) So, you believe your experiments hold the key to victory?

Vrak: (nodding) Precisely. My research delves into alternative methods of blind warfare, ones that don't rely solely on brute force but rather on strategic innovation and adaptation.

Lilith: (intrigued) And how does this tie into your proposal for an alliance?

Vrak: (calmly) Simple. By the way you're going, it's certain you shall make the same mistake as your ex-husband and Gabriel. I want to help prevent that. I help you play the long game, provide distinctions with my experiments so the residents at this Hazbin Hotel get weak so you can shut it down with good old manipulation.

Alastor: (calmly) I'm sorry to say this, Mr. Blue Sky, but your words don't seem to be telling me that you are being honest. You say your research delves into alternative methods of blind warfare, yet you imply you created those potions that your bug friends used for blind warfare. Besides, how are you already an overlord? Surely someone would recognize you.

Vrak: (calmly) I'm afraid that is not the case. Out of my comrades, I was the only one to show themselves fully. Besides, I have modified my appearance to remove any connection to the Warstar division, as you can see. Not even my family would recognize me.

Lilith: (calmly) You said you were Carmilla Carmine's worst nightmare. What did you mean by that?

Vrak: (calmly) Like you, Carmilla has a hidden family secret involving a hidden son of hers who she killed before the birth of Odette and Clara. They have no idea of his existence, which gives us the perfect opportunity to do some blackmail.

Alastor: (calmly) And how do you know about Carmilla's son?

Vrak: (calmly) I know because I've seen him in heaven. He told me about what happened to him, and I promised him I would kill her like I shall do with my own family. That is why I joined Warstar in the first place.

Lilith: (thoughtfully) Blackmailing Carmilla could indeed provide us with valuable leverage. But what do you gain from all of this, Vrak?

Vrak: (smirking) By aligning myself with you and aiding in your endeavors, I secure my place as a force to be reckoned with in both Heaven and Hell. And let's not forget the satisfaction of settling old scores along the way. Besides, it will finally give me peace to relax and enjoy my afterlife in Heaven.

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