The Carmine Issue

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The next morning, sunlight filters through the windows of Odette's room, casting a warm glow over the cozy space. Odette stirs awake, her eyes fluttering open as she adjusts to the soft light. She feels surprisingly better than the previous day, the effects of the poison gradually fading away.

As Odette sits up in bed, Emily enters the room with a tray of breakfast, a bright smile lighting up her face.

Emily: (cheerfully) Good morning, Odette! I brought you breakfast in bed.

Odette's heart skips a beat at the sight of Emily, her cheeks flushing slightly as she tries to maintain a professional demeanor.

Odette: (composed) Good morning, Emily. Thank you for the breakfast.

Emily places the tray on Odette's lap, her eyes sparkling with affection as she takes a seat beside her on the bed.

Emily: (playfully) Pancakes with maple syrup and a side of fresh fruit. I know you're not one for fancy breakfasts, but I thought I'd give you something special.

Odette's professional manner falters as she takes in Emily's adorable expression, unable to resist the warmth and affection shining in her eyes.

Odette: (softly) That sounds delicious, Emily. Thank you.

As Odette starts to eat her breakfast, Emily watches her intently, her gaze filled with adoration and concern.

Emily: (concerned) How are you feeling today, Odette? Any lingering effects from yesterday?

Odette: (thoughtfully) I feel much better, thank you. The weakness and nausea seem to have subsided, although I still feel a bit tired.

Emily: (sincerely) Just take it easy today, Odette. You've been through a lot, and you deserve some rest and relaxation.

Odette meets Emily's gaze, her heart fluttering at the genuine care and affection in her eyes, until the lovebirds are interrupted by Carmilla.

Carmilla: (apologetically) I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's something I need to discuss with Emily, in private.

Emily looks at Carmilla, her expression curious yet wary.

Emily: (politely) Of course, Carmilla. Is everything alright?

Carmilla nods, her expression serious as she gestures for Emily to follow her out of the room.

Carmilla: (seriously) It's about the recent events and what we need to do moving forward. It's important.

Emily's curiosity is piqued as she follows Carmilla out of the room, leaving Odette to finish her breakfast in peace.

Odette watches them leave the room, a sense of unease settling in the pit of her stomach. She wonders what her mother could possibly want to discuss with Emily in private, especially after everything that's happened. Nevertheless, she pushes aside her worries and focuses on finishing her breakfast, hoping for the best.

As the seraphim angel and overlord step out into the hallway, Carmilla turns to Emily.

Carmilla: (seriously) Emily, I need to talk to you about something important. It concerns Odette and her safety.

Emily looks at her girlfriend's mother in concern as she listens to Carmilla's words.

Carmilla: (gravely) With Odette's recent attempt to end her life, it's become clear that she's still in a vulnerable state. There are individuals out there who may see this as an opportunity to exploit her weaknesses or seek revenge.

Emily's expression darkens as she realizes the gravity of Carmilla's words, her concern for Odette deepening.

Emily: (determined) You think someone might try to harm Odette?

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