Cherry On The Snake

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Later that same day, the Hazbin crew, along with their new member, gather in the lodge.

Angel Dust: (curiously) So, what's the plan today, Charlie?

Charlie: (excitedly) Well, I thought to celebrate our new member, Emily, we should give her a proper tour of the hotel. Besides, we haven't had much time to spend together in the new areas of the hotel since we rebuilt it.

Niffty: (excitedly) I like that idea!

Angel Dust: (calmly) Same here. With Valentino dead, I have no stress at all.

Husk: (calmly) I'm too old for playing around. I'll be by the bar if you need me.

Cherri Bomb: (excitedly) Count me in!

Sir Pentious: (excitedly) And me! I haven't had a look at this place since, you know, I was in heaven and all.

Frank: (excitedly) Can I join in?

Charlie: (calmly) Sure, Frank. Just don't crack yourself.

Frank: (calmly) You got it.

The Hazbin crew go upstairs, although Cherri Bomb is quickly pulled aside by Sir Pentious.

Sir Pentious: (awkwardly) Cherri Bomb, about our last encounter...

Cherri Bomb: (teasingly) How could I forget? You kissing me and admitting your feelings about me before getting yourself turned to ash by Adam.

Sir Pentious: (awkwardly) So you're not mad?

Cherri Bomb: (calmly) Are you kidding? You went out like a hero. Besides, you kissing me was kinda hot.

Sir Pentious starts blushing embarrassingly at Cherri Bomb.

Sir Pentious: (awkwardly) We should... catch up to the others.

Cherri Bomb: (awkwardly) Yeah...

As Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious attempt to catch up to the others, Charlie tours an excited Emily through the corridors of the hotel, from the many floors to all the new rooms like the indoor pool, library, and restaurant.

A few hours later, after the tour is over, the crew goes back into the lodge.

Charlie: (excitedly) So, that was the hotel. What do you think?

Emily: (excitedly) I think it's great! The books, the food, everything!

Angel Dust: (annoyed) Seriously, the main two things you like about this hotel are the food and books?

Emily: (laughs) Well, I mean, who doesn't love good food and a good read? But really, the whole atmosphere here is amazing. It feels like home already.

Charlie: (cheerfully) Aw, thanks, Emily.

As most of the crew talk, Sir Pentious slithers towards Cherri Bomb.

Sir Pentious: (awkwardly) Cherri Bomb, I was wondering if you... would like... to-

Cherri Bomb: (interrupting) I'll go on a date with you if that's what you're trying to say.

Sir Pentious: (awkwardly) Well, I... I'll prepare... it then. BYE.

Sir Pentious slithers away as Frank follows him.

Cherri Bomb: (calmly) This will be interesting.


Ten minutes later, Sir Pentious slithers around an empty room as Frank watches.

Sir Pentious: (panicking) Ok, ok, you got this, Sir Pentious. Just make this room the most romantic thing Miss Cherri Bomb has seen, and hope I don't mess it all up and cause her to reject me.

Frank: (calmly) Don't worry, boss. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

Sir Pentious: (annoyed) You're not helping, Frank.


A few hours later, in the evening, Cherri Bomb in her best suit opens the door to enter the once empty room, only to see a quite colorful high-tech looking masterpiece surrounding a table for her and Sir Pentious.

Sir Pentious: (awkwardly) So, what do you think? I didn't want to go overboard with the room.

Cherri Bomb blushes violently.

Cherri Bomb: (blushing) You really... outdid yourself.

Sir Pentious: (nervously) Please have a seat.

Cherri Bomb, still blushing, takes a seat, clearly touched by Sir Pentious's efforts.

Cherri Bomb: (softly) Thank you, Sir Pentious. This is... really sweet. And hot.

Sir Pentious, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement, takes his seat across from her.

Sir Pentious: (nervously) I'm glad you like it. I just wanted to show you... how much you mean to me.

Cherri Bomb smiles warmly at him, feeling a flutter in her chest.

Cherri Bomb: (gently) That means a lot. I've never had anyone go to such lengths for me before. I like it.

Sir Pentious: (earnestly) Well, you're worth it, Cherri. You're unlike anyone I've ever met.

Cherri Bomb: (teasingly) And to think, it all started with you being an evil madman with an army of eggs.

Sir Pentious: (sheepishly) Ah, yes. Not my finest moment, I'll admit.

Cherri Bomb: (playfully) Hey, we all have our moments. But you've more than made up for it. I mean, look at you, you're an angel now.

Sir Pentious: (sheepishly) Well, I suppose I've come a long way, haven't I?

Cherri Bomb: (smirking) Yeah. Definitely a glow-up worth loving.

Sir Pentious blushes.

Cherri Bomb: (calmly) So, what are we eating?

Sir Pentious: (calmly) Well, just wait and see, my dear Cherri Bomb.

The two exchange a giggle.


The next day, Sir Pentious wakes up from his long night yawning as he turns his head, only to see Cherri Bomb next to him. They both look at each other blushing.

Sir Pentious: (realizing) Did we...?

Cherri Bomb: (awkwardly) Yep.

Sir Pentious: (awkwardly) Oh...

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