Farewell Bartender

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At Carmine headquarters, Zestial, Alastor, Velvette, and Rosie gather in the meeting with Carmilla at the head of the table, along with Odette and Emily. The windows are covered by black curtains as Odette, using her tablet, turns the screen on.

Carmilla: (calmly) Welcome, overlords. I'm glad to see you all well now.

Velvette: (interrupting) How long is this going to take? I'm not in the best of conditions to waste my time after yesterday.

Carmilla: (calmly) I remember I was there. Speaking of, I suppose your girlfriend won't be joining us?

Velvette: (calmly) Lute is busy with her work, and she's not my girlfriend.

Carmilla: (calmly) Keep telling yourself that.

Zestial: (firmly) Let's focus on the matter at hand, shall we? We have a serious situation to address.

Alastor: (calmly) Oh, I do love a good serious situation. Keeps things interesting, wouldn't you say?

Carmilla: (calmly) Indeed. As you all know, Professor Cog is now dead, which takes another overlord out of our ranks, for better or worse. His demise brings some relief, but it also leaves a power vacuum that could be exploited by others seeking to disrupt the balance of power.

Velvette: (annoyed) Who cares? We could do with some more overlords. These meetings are starting to get lonely.

Zestial: (annoyed) Regardless of personal preferences, we must address the situation strategically. We can't afford any disruptions to our operations, especially with the recent increase in owned souls by our unknown overlord friend.

Alastor's eye looks around the room because... well,

Vrak: (In Alastor's head) I want you to keep my identity as an angel a secret from everyone. I don't want to ruin the big surprise I have planned. Do we have a deal?

Alastor: (calmly) Sounds like a delightful game of chess, doesn't it?

As the overlords talk, Velvette takes a look at her phone and immediately widens her remaining eye.

Velvette: (shocked) Oh...

Carmilla: (annoyed) What is it now, Velvette?

Velvette quickly gets off her chair, walks towards the window, and pulls up the curtains as the overlords look on in confusion... until the curtains are open, and they all see the massive Professor Cog attacking the city.

Alastor: (calmly) Well, well, well... It looks like we've got ourselves a real showstopper, don't we?

Everyone but Alastor: (calmly) Shit.


Back in Imp City, chaos reigns as Professor Cog wreaks havoc on the city, towering over buildings and unleashing destruction with every step. The Hazbin crew watch in horror as they realize the battle is far from over.

Charlie: (determined) We have to stop him before he destroys everything!

Clara: (grimly) Easier said than done. That thing is a walking death machine.

Vaggie: (urgently) We need a plan, and fast!

Angel Dust: (coldly) I think I have just the idea.


An hour later, as the night the overlords stand outside Carmine Headquarters, Professor Cog begins to destroy the city properly.

Velvette: (annoyed) Is it just me, or does it feel like this guy doesn't actually know what he's doing?

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