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The next day...

Carmilla: (fiercely) Stay behind me, girls.

Odette and Emily nod as Carmilla kicks down a sinner, knocking him to the ground as Angel Dust opens fire on other sinners.

Angel Dust: (determined) Eat bullets, assholes!

As Angel Dust fires, Vaggie jumps around, slicing several sinners to pieces as Charlie uses her shield to defend herself.

Vaggie: (determined) Bring it on, you filthy scum!

Amidst the chaos, Carmilla, Angel Dust, and Vaggie skillfully dispatch several sinners, their movements a choreographed dance of destruction.

Carmilla: (determined) Keep pushing forward! We can't let them overwhelm us!

Angel Dust: (determined) You heard the lady! It's time to show these losers what we're made of!

Vaggie: (determined) Let's make them regret ever crossing us!

As they fight, Odette and Emily huddle behind cover, fear etched on their faces. Odette clutching her tablet tightly.

Odette: (calmly) Stay low and stay quiet Emily. We'll be okay as long as we stick together.

Suddenly, a loud explosion rocks the battlefield, sending sinners flying as a squadron of robot soldiers emerges.

Angel Dust: (annoyed) Great, more trouble... wait, aren't those X-borgs?

Vaggie: (confused) Something tells me those aren't Heaven's metal toys.

Carmilla: (decisively) We stick to the plan. Angel, Vaggie, keep them occupied. Charlie, help me flank them from the right. Odette, Emily, stay close and out of harm's way.

Odette: (nervously) Yes, mother.

Angel Dust and Vaggie engage the bootleg X-borgs head-on, drawing their attention away from Charlie and Carmilla as they flank from the right. Charlie conjures a powerful energy blast from her shield, aiming it at the robots' weak spots.

Charlie: (focused) Carmilla, now!

Carmilla leaps into action, her sword slicing through the X-borgs with precision. The team works together seamlessly, each member covering the other's back as they fight their way through the onslaught.

As the dust settles and the last of the enemies fall, the team stands victorious, albeit battered and bruised.

Carmilla: (panting) Is everyone alright?

Angel Dust: (grinning) Just peachy, darling.

Vaggie: (breathless) I've faced worse.

Charlie: (smirking) Not bad for a day's work... wait... guys... what are you even doing here?

Vaggie: (confused) Yeah... one minute, we were in bed, then the next, we're in this field fighting sinners.

Angel Dust: (confused) Same... guys... where are we?

Suddenly, another group of "not" X-borgs and sinners teleport onto the battlefield and begin to charge.

Carmilla: (alert) We've got more incoming! Stay sharp, everyone!

Charlie: (determined) We can't let them overwhelm us. Stick together and fight!

Angel Dust: (ready) Bring it on, I've got plenty of bullets left!

Vaggie: (focused) We've faced worse odds before. Let's show them what we're made of!

Odette: (nervously) Mother, what do we do?

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