Chapter Eleven

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 “I know that hope weighs on your mind, lost within the seams,
it seems like we lose ourselves in between.
But the harder things become, the harder you push away.
Oh baby, yeah baby, it kills me” - You Kill Me (In A Good Way), Sleeping With Sirens


“One day, he brought home a knife. And about three weeks after that, I decided to jump. From the roof of our new building. I stepped over the edge, and Liam caught me. I went back to the flat. One day, Liam came around, asking Daddy where I was. After that, Daddy came at me with the knife. He nearly killed me. I crawled to Liam's flat, and he found me, and called the hospital.”

“And you still have the scars?”



Liam hugs me, first thing when we leave the courtroom.

“You did amazing” he whispers in my ear. “I'm so, so sorry.” And then I'm sobbing into him, as his hands tighten around my shaking body.

And I feel safe.

And I think I trust Liam even more then Niall.

“You're so brave” Liam whispers, and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to hear or not, but maybe I am. “You're brave, and strong, and amazing, and I'm so, so sorry.”

“It's not your fault” I whisper. “You saved my life.”

“This is adorable, really, but we have to go” someone says. Liam steps back, away from me, and the cool air hitting my body surprises me for a moment.

“Hello, Paul” Liam says, grinning. “Have you come to collect us?”

“I can drive” Niall grumbles from next to us.

“Not legally” Liam replies, grinning. He seems drunk on relief. Or happiness.

Maybe he was as nervous as I was.

I don't know why.

“Yeah, Payne-in-the-ass” Paul says. Niall snorts. “Come on, you two. We're going on tour in two days and you haven't even started packing.”

“Yes, Mum” Niall and Liam chorus. Liam takes my hand before we head to the car, and I'm glad.

He's here.

And maybe I almost believe that he won't leave.

Maybe he'll always be here.



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