Chapter Six

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 “I guess you really did it this time

Left yourself in your warpath

Lost your balance on a tightrope

Lost your mind tryin' to get it back” - Innocent, Taylor Swift


“What happens when we tour?” asks Harry angrily. “What are you going to do then, stick her with your parents or something?”

“Haz, calm down-” Louis tries to say, but Harry's having none of it.

“You're supposed to be the responsible one, Liam” he says. “You're supposed to be the one that thinks about these things!”

“I did think” I reply softly. “I thought that it's only for six months, and if we go on tour, she can come.”

“Haz, it's not a big deal” says Niall. “And it's Liam's decision.” Harry sighs, but doesn't say anything. I make a mental note to thank Louis and Niall later on.

“Zayn?” asks Louis. “Your opinion?” Zayn looks a bit taken aback.

“Er . . . I don't care” he says. “Liam's decision and all that.”

“It's settled then” says Louis, glaring at Harry. “With a four to one vote, Liam is allowed to adopt Les.”

“It's not a matter of being allowed!” I protest. “I'm adopting her whether you want me to of not. I'm just telling you.”

“Well, we're just telling you that we won't try to forcibly remove her from your apartment, mate” says Louis, still glaring at Harry.

“Relax, Lou” says Harry. “I just think it's a bad idea that's all.”

“I don't see – never mind” I say. “I don't want to start another fight.”

“We weren't fighting, mate” says Harry agreeably. “Just having a peaceful discussion.”

“In what universe was that a 'peaceful discussion'?” asks Louis. “You two were about to leap at each other with knives or something.”

“Were not” Harry and I grumble at the same time.

“Whatever” says Louis, shrugging.

“Were too” Zayn says, just to be difficult.

“Can we get Nando's?” asks Niall, probably to stop me and Harry from strangling Zayn. “I'm hungry.” Of course, Niall is always hungry.

“Les is coming” I inform them all.

“Of course” says Harry, sounding just slightly resentful.

“I can't leave her here alone” I say. “Not in a strange flat. Not her.”

“Just go get her” Harry says. I'm not quite sure what he has against her, honestly.

“I'm going with Liam!” shouts Niall, standing up and following me out. We leave Zayn's flat and head up a floor to mine.

Les is still asleep when I enter her room. I go over to the bed and gently shake her shoulder. “Love, it's time to get up” I whisper. Her eyes shoot open.

“What time is it?” she asks.

“About six” I reply. “We're going out for food.”

“Sounds good” she replies softly. She gets up, stretches.

“Hello” says Niall, from the doorway. Les jumps about a foot.

“Who are you?” she asks. Niall walks farther into the room, and offers his hand.

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