Chapter Twelve

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“You have to be with at least one security member at all times” the man from management is saying.

“C'mon” Louis moans. “Seriously?”

“We don't want another fairy cake mishap” Harry tells him, and Louis grins mischievously.

“That was fun” he says.

“Also no fruit ninja” Paul adds, from his place by the door. As the boys' head of security, he would care about something like that.

“Fruit ninja?” I ask Liam.

He grins.

“Remind me to tell you later” he says. “It's quite a funny story, actually.” I can only imagine, based on the way Louis' face falls when Paul forbids it.

We're at the meeting. It's the day before tour, and we have to go over rules. Apparently, that's really important for these boys, and I don't doubt it.

They seem like the type to disobey rules.

“Louis, seriously” Paul adds. “Follow rules. No Fruit Ninja. No Fairy Cake Mishap. No Tour Bus Incident. Nothing.”

“Did I say anything?” Louis asks innocently. Or at least, he's trying to appear innocent. It doesn't seem to be working.

“You were thinking it” Paul replies gruffly, but he's fighting to keep a grin off of his face. Louis just shrugs.

“Can't blame a lad for trying” he says amiably.

“Anyways” Simon says, clearly trying to steer the conversation back to neutral ground. “Rules.” The man from management sighs softly.

“One security member at all times” he repeats. “No going off alone. What security says is law-”

“If security told you to jump off a bridge . . .” Louis says, and that comment sets off laughter from pretty much everyone, even Simon. The management guy just waits for us to calm down.

“Don't jump off a bridge” he says, once the room is relatively quiet again. “But do listen to security. No parties 24 hours before a concert. No drinking before driving or drinking 24 hours before a concert-”

“But drinking is fun!” Louis says, interrupting again.

“Why don't you ever say following rules is fun?” Pal complains. Everyone laughs again.

“Because it's boring” Louis replies, once we're all quiet.

“Rules” the management guy says firmly. Louis sighs. The management guy ignores him. “No sex. None. Not that you should be sleeping around anyway, but especially not on tour. Lights out by ten-”

“I am a growing boy!” Louis shouts, mock-outraged. “Partying is a part of my nature that should be encouraged, not forbidden!”

“Louis!” the management guy shouts. “Quit interrupting! Lights out by nine for Louis, ten for everyone else.”

“Not fair at all” Louis grumbles.

“Eight” the management guy says. “Do you want me to go lower?”

“No” Louis says softly. Niall's holding back silent laughter at the entire exchange, and I can see why. Louis looks a bit like a petulant child, glaring angrily at the management guy.

“Anyway” the management guy says. “Get sleep before the concerts. Oh, and no drinking before interviews, either. Actually, no drinking at all.” Louis opens his mouth like he's going to object again, but then closes it silently. “I think that's all” the management guy continues. “Just listen to security, don't do anything stupid, and don't do anything Louis suggests.” Louis snorts. “Thank you in advance for being cooperative.” He dismisses himself, standing up and leaving. Once the door's shut, Louis explodes.

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