Chapter Three

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 “It wasn't always this feeling

Put out the world for a tear in your eye

Oh god I'm over here kneeling

It seems we're fighting for truth with a lie” - Hear Me Now, Boyce Avenue

two weeks later


Two weeks after I met Les, and I still can't forget her. But I haven't tried to find her, either. Maybe I don't want to know.

“Whatcha thinking about?” asks Niall. We're all in my flat, just spending time together. Louis and Harry are mucking around, I'm not entirely sure where they went anymore, and Zayn's watching something on the telly. I was just thinking, until Niall interrupted me.

“Le-nothing, mate” I say, nearly slipping and saying her name. I still haven't told the lads about her. I just don't see a reason.

“You've got to be thinking about something” insists Niall. “Are you thinking about her?” He's referring to my ex. I shake my head.

“Haven't thought about her in awhile, Nialler” I say. “I think I'm really over her for good.” Niall smiles.

“Brilliant, mate” he says. “I knew you could do it.” I laugh, but it's a short bark more then a laugh. I kind of don't have it in me to laugh.



The door bangs open, and I jump. Daddy's home. He sounds drunker then ever.

“LES!” he roars, and I stand up. A wave of dizziness threatens to overwhelm me. I haven't eaten anything in two days, and it's getting to me. “GET IN HERE!” I try to run, but my legs are shaking too hard. I stumble into the front room, to see him with a knife again. It's only the third time he's used one, but every time hurts worse then any normal beating. I am afraid.



“What were you guys doing?” asks Niall, when Harry and Louis join the rest of us in the main room. They're flushed, and of course, all of us jump to something a bit . . . wrong.

“Nothing!” protests Louis. Harry's laughing. “Just, you know, ran around a bit.”

“In my bedroom?” I ask, and everyone bursts out laughing, even Louis.

“Mate, don't over think it” says Harry, a huge smile on his face. I smirk. I'm just glad they all can make me laugh.

“We going out?” asks Niall. “I'm hungry.”

“You're always hungry” Louis teases. He has an arm around Harry, and Zayn is looking at it strangely. I don't blame him.

“Nando's?” asks Niall.

“Sure” I say. I'm a bit hungry as well. The others all agree. As we leave, I wonder if Les is okay again. I just can't stop thinking about her. Once you save a life, it leaves an imprint on you. And I feel responsible.


After Nando's, I decide to go and find her. I know what flat she lives in, and I can just go up and knock. I'll make sure she's okay, and then I go back to being normal Liam.

Of course, the second I step out of the flat, Niall wants to know where I'm going. For some reason, we all seem to end up in my flat all the time.

“Liam, can I come?” he asks.

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