chapter four

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A/N: i think you're going to like this chapter very much :)


As they strolled, Elaine felt her phone buzz in her pocket once more. Retrieving it, she saw another message from Ms. Yeong.

"Go home with Francis tonight. And don't ignore my texts."

She ignored the guidance, becoming more and more exasperated. Yet, amid her annoyance, a strange feeling stirred in her heart. She valued Ms. Yeong's concern; it surrounded her like a comforting embrace. However, she chose not to respond that night, curious to see how Ms. Yeong would react when they next met.

When Elaine got back to school on Monday, she saw Ms. Yeong in the cafeteria. She watched her from afar, taking note of the tension evident in her behavior. Could it be because I didn't reply to her message that night? Elaine contemplated it in silence. Elaine quickly retreated after Ms. Yeong glanced over, taking care not to catch her teacher's eye.

Surprisingly, the day went smoothly until Ms. Yeong asked her to stay after class, to which she agreed. As Ms. Yeong closed the door, Elaine sat down in her seat, the sound of her deep breaths filling the space.

"You didn't reply to my message," Ms. Yeong pointed out, her eyes revealing a touch of irritation as she walked toward Elaine. "I expected a response. Why didn't you text me back?"

Elaine noticed Ms. Yeong's accent thickening, realizing she should have replied to her message.

Elaine gritted her teeth as she replied, "My phone died. I'm sorry for not noticing your message—"

"But you use your phone, you must have noticed my message," Ms. Yeong interrupted, her eyebrows furrowing in anger. Elaine had never seen this aspect of her teacher before; she appeared possessive, which made Elaine feel uneasy. "Answer me, Elaine."

After a long pause, Ms. Yeong let out a derisive laugh. "You're fucking lying to me."

Slowly standing up, Elaine shook her head. "I'm not—"

"Indeed you are," Ms. Yeong insisted, forcefully placing her hands on Elaine's desk. "Your absence has a profound impact on me." Elaine struggled to make out Ms. Yeong's softly spoken words at the conclusion.

"I didn't catch that." What did you say? Elaine thought.

Ms. Yeong let out an irritated click of her tongue. "Nothing. I just said you drank too much at that party."

"I am not a child. I am perfectly capable of looking after myself," Elaine stated, feeling disheartened by her teacher's lack of trust. "And besides, why do you care so much?"

"Because you're my student, of course! I don't want you to fail in my class—"

"Is that the main point of this, Ms. Yeong?"

"Yes!" Ms. Yeong exclaimed, her face flushed with anger. She grew defensive, unwilling for Elaine to uncover the conflicting emotions she held for her... student. She pitied herself as she was aware that their relationship was not correct. Every aspect of it just felt incorrect.

Ms. Yeong let out a deep sigh. "I just care a lot, okay? Is that what you wish to hear?"

"But I'm just your student," Elaine responded quietly, her disappointment evident. "You're upset because I can't take care of myself. Guess what? I can. I am independent."

This elicited a sardonic chuckle from Ms. Yeong. "Oh, really?" she challenged, tilting her head. "If you were, you would have replied to me that night."

Elaine grew increasingly frustrated with the conversation and angrily threw up her hands. Their conversation puzzled her because their relationship was strictly academic.

She yelled, "You're being unreasonable! What's the big deal about this? We are not in a relationship!"


"And even if I'm drinking at a party, so what? You can't control my life or make remarks about it. We are not friends; we do not have that kind of relationship. I'm not yours—"

Ms. Yeong firmly grabbed her upper arm and shook her, then pulled her in close until their noses were almost touched. She stared intensely at Elaine with a fierce expression and whispered, "Do not raise your voice at me, Elaine. Just a reminder, I have the ultimate authority here, so I suggest you remain quiet."

Elaine squirmed at the sensation of her touch. "Please let me–"

Ms. Yeong positions herself against the table, spreading Elaine's legs and standing firmly between them. She looks down at Elaine as her chest rises and falls, longing to kiss her. She whispers to Elaine, "No one gets to talk to you, Elaine. No one should even dare to look at you. No one touches what's mine."

Before Elaine could react, Ms. Yeong kissed her on the lips.

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