chapter seven

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A/N: i'm sorry for the late update, i've been busy with school and everything is just making me feel pressured LATELY but here's chapter 7! hope you like it!


"Your 2nd semester exam is approaching, so it's important to review our past lessons. I will be quite thorough with this upcoming exam." Ms. Yeong mentioned as she tidied up the board, turning around and standing with elegance. She glanced at Elaine briefly and grinned. "Elaine, I need you to gather all the papers I told you to write about. I trust everyone has completed their assignments."

A young woman lifted her hand. Ms. Yeong turned to her and inquired, "What's wrong, Nicole?"

"I just want to say that you're glowing, Ms. Yeong," the young girl stated, causing Ms. Yeong to break into a smile as she looked down at her feet. "I mean, what skincare do you use?"

"I'm feeling very happy at the moment, Nicole. Currently, this is my skincare routine. Thank you."

Elaine gave Nicole a glance that seemed to suggest she was attempting to charm a teacher. Nicole nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders and reclined in her seat. Elaine didn't mean to come off as jealous about her remark, but she would prefer if the woman she was interested in wasn't being flirted with. Francis whispered in her ear, "You know, your crush on her is getting so obvious."

"What are you trying to say?" Elaine remarked.

"I can tell by your face, El. It seems like everyone knows you."

"Ridiculous," she muttered as she kept sketching in her notebook. After a pause, she carried on. "Plus, I have no intention of becoming the teacher's favorite in this class. Nicole is one; she's trying."

"Seems like you've got some competition now," Francis chuckled as she closed her notebook.

Elaine didn't know what she meant, but she was sure that she would still like to be Ms. Yeong's favorite student.

Once the students left, Elaine and Ms. Yeong found themselves alone in the corner of the room. The woman pulled a paper from her pocket and passed it to the young girl, smiling bashfully.

"I'm not comfortable sharing my home address over text."

"Why?" Elaine inquired, looking confused. She could have easily sent her the address and then deleted the message, but she appreciated Amelia's writing. It's a possession worth holding on to.

"We can't let anyone discover our bond," Amelia says cautiously, glancing at the door. She reached out to touch Elaine's hair and leaned closer to breathe in her scent. "I've missed you all weekend, sweetheart. I feel so lonely, so alone."

Elaine chuckled, gently touching the woman's jaw. It has a keen edge. "Do you have roommates?"

Amelia gave a disapproving shake of her head. "No, I live by myself. My cousin, Leslie, would visit occasionally, but she wouldn't stay for a long time because she lived in Missouri. She's actually in Hong Kong to visit her family."

"Do you also travel to Hong Kong to see your family?"

"At times, with my cousins and nieces,. Not with my parents, no. I'm closer to Leslie's family because they took care of me in high school while my parents worked. I believe I inherited that from my father. An absolute workaholic."

"You need to get some rest once in a while, like a vacation." Elaine leaned in, resting her forehead on Amelia's shoulder, letting out a contented sigh. She sensed her teacher's hand on her lower back, drawing her in until there was no space between them. Times such as this could stretch on indefinitely, should Elaine choose to.

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