chapter twenty-four: anticipation

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The first thing I did when I awoke was check the time on my phone. When 11:50 p.m. came, it was time for me to go to Amelia's room and stay the night with her. As I looked at the other bed, Francis was sleeping peacefully with a pillow under her arm. I sort of deserved to sleep in, but part of me didn't want to leave her. I haven't seen Amelia in almost a week now, so I sort of don't mind leaving her.

I quickly left her a note, saying that I'd be back in the morning, and headed to Amelia's room on the top floor.


"You're early."

I give her a tight lip smile and walk inside. I see that her bed is still made nicely, and there is a wine bottle and a wine glass on the small circular table. I asked over my shoulder, "Have you been drinking?"

As she silently asked me to sit with her on the bed, she patted the mattress, saying, "Just to keep my head for the night. Do you want to sit with me?"

Even though she was only wearing a white shirt and black jogging pants, she looked stunning. I sat at the foot of the bed with her and kept my distance from her. Although I wasn't sure how to act around her, I hoped it wouldn't be weird for her. Slowly, Amelia held my hand and looked at me with those hooded eyes.

I blushed a deep crimson, my heart racing as her words sunk in.

"I've missed you so much, Elaine." She spoke softly and deeply, and I wanted to feel the veins in her hand. Every time she does this, I am taken aback.

"We just saw each other eight hours ago." I smile.

"That was 8 hours ago; I didn't see you the whole day."

"I was with Carl and Francis; we were getting pizza."

She looked perplexed, but not angrily: I had completely forgotten to tell her that I was now friends with Carl, so I squeezed her hand, saying: "Don't worry, we're just friends." At least that's how it looks.

Amelia mutters to herself, more like a low murmur. "Are you sure he sees you as a friend only? I-I know that I tried threatening him, but he's still a guy, Elaine."

My understanding of his motivations isn't entirely clear. When he asked to be friends again, he seemed pretty genuine. As a people-pleaser, I couldn't resist. Also, I wanted to be friends with him since we got along well as friends-maybe not as lovers. Also, I wanted to be friends with him since we got along well as friends—maybe not as lovers.

"I don't know what he thinks, but I hope those are his intentions."

As Amelia nodded and bit her lower lip, her thumb still caressed the top of my hand. She kissed my hand softly before I could even think. My heart was beating faster, and I felt nauseated–-but a good nauseated.

"Tell me what you did today, my love."

As she called me by that name, I felt a chill run down my spine and hid my face sheepishly. "Well, I was planning on picking up a few things from the store, but after we had pizza in our room, I basically dozed off."

In response, she lets out a laugh. "That's why you seem a little drowsy."

"I guess," I yawned, putting my head on her neck. She felt so cozy and embracing, it was almost impossible for me to resist. "How about you? What did you do today?"

"Went wine shopping," she remarks, her gaze fixed on the bottle of wine resting on the table. "I need a drink to get through the day."

"Do you drink a lot?"

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