chapter twenty-nine: long time, no see

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"I'm not having another drink."

"Oh, come on! You've had a hell of a week," Carl orders me another shot of tequila as I brush out my hair, my face feeling warm. He was right, I had a hellish week. "We've been waiting for Francis for almost an hour now, so I suggest we get drunk before she arrives."

"So she'll be jealous?"

His head nods as he laughs. "So she'll be jealous." The bartender approached me as he placed the shot on the counter. Carl asks, "How are you? It seems like you have been distant lately."

I'd rather steer clear of these types of questions. Everyone, including Francis and my mother, has been bothering me incessantly ever since Amelia and I stopped talking. My mother knew what was going on. She had witnessed my endless tears in my room, yet she didn't bother worrying about my well-being, fully aware that she was to blame.

"It's just been a rough break, give me a break," I said, not meaning to sound so imperient. But his expressions didn't change—he seemed normal.

"Yeah, I understand. I'm going to California in a few weeks."

"I forgot about that," I said as I squinted my eyes as I drank my shot. "Fuck, that's strong."

"Sorry," he chuckles. "That's my kind of drink."

"If you're going to be friends with me, you have to know what kind of tequila drink I like."

He looked at me for reassurance, wondering if it was okay to talk about dating. "Well, we tried dating," he said slowly. "I know you quite well. When you're stressed or thinking about something, you become distant, and when someone gives you a new book, you get so excited."

"I like my books."

"Yeah, and I'm just some jock who likes to party all the time."

We both shared a good laugh, thoroughly enjoying each other's company. I appreciated this aspect of him, when he's not overly invested in his emotions towards me. He appears genuine, someone I could confide in, despite my lack of experience in doing so. Before he speaks, I notice Adam approaching us, delivering a hearty pat on Carl's shoulder.

Carl turns his head and smiles widely, "You didn't tell me you were going to be here."

"I didn't know you were here," he says with a broad voice as he looks at me, giving a wink. I felt a wave of revulsion, that was truly disgusting. "How's it going, Solace?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Been doing okay, I guess."

"She's fine; how are you, on the other hand?" Carl asked.

"I was supposed to be at a party, but I decided to go somewhere lowkey," he replied, sighing. "And this bar seems to be the right fit."

Carl glanced at me as he asked, "Elaine, do you want me to kick this guy out?"

I shook my head.

"He can stay if he wants to."

Adam joins Carl at the table and decides to treat himself to a refreshing beverage. I scanned my surroundings, hoping to catch a glimpse of Amelia. With anticipation, I rested my chin on my hand. As I listened to their conversation, Carl suddenly directed his attention towards me, wearing a smug expression reminiscent of a mischievous child.

"What is it?"

"Are you dating anyone at the moment?"

My face dropped. "Oh no, please don't tell me that you want to—"

"No! No," he says defensively as he raises both of his hands, letting out a laugh. "It's not like that, I promise. I was just asking because Adam thinks you're cute."

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