Talking to Parents

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Talking to your parents could be hard, Especially if its personal or about your own mental health. But talking to your parents is something that could dramatically help and something you should do.

Telling your parents that you Have SAD:

If you know/think you have Social anxiety and  its effecting your life negatively and you want help, tell a parent/guardian. If you are a minor, you most likely need your parents permission to get help since you've probably never been to the doctors alone and you probably cant afford it. If your scared to do it face to face you can always text, call, or even write a letter. Just be honest and tell them how SAD is effecting you and how it is negatively effecting how you live. Most parents/guardians will be understanding. You are their child and they love you and want to help you. And you need help. You need to put your treatment in the hands of those who can help, and that's your parents. You can always go to one parents at first if your closer to one than the other or if ones more understanding. Talk about it with that parent and then That parent  can discuss it with the other.

  If your parents/guardians react negatively and blame it on the amount of time you spend on your computer/phone or say that you are just 'shy' and will get over it, you cant just leave defeated. Stand up and  provide facts about SAD and your own personal experience. Tell them you need there support and help to overcome SAD and live a better,  happy life. That's all parents really want for their children anyways, to have them live a happy life.

Someone asked for advice on how to tell your parents, so here it is. I hope it helps a few of you to tell your parents and get treatment. Comment or PM me for any advice/help with SAD related things!

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