With Social Anxiety...

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With Social Anxiety....

• You believe any criticism of yourself, yet any compliment must be a lie.

• You are constantly wondering if people are only hanging out with you out of pity, and that you really annoy them.

• Being extra conscious of everything while around other people.

• You look at your feet when walking down crowded hallways to avoid eye contact.

• You proof read your texts and the address several times before sending the text.

• You ruin your memories of a wonderful night because you can't stop thinking about the one stupid thing you said or did.

• You pretend to be texting when nobody is talking to you or to avoid having others talk to you.

• You always think people are mad at you or judging you.

• When realizing your walking in the wrong direction but you refuse to turn around and look like a fool in front of peope so you just take the longer way.

Social Anxiety DisorderWhere stories live. Discover now