Anxiety and Panic attacks

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Social anxiety, or any anxiety, can cause anxiety attacks or panic attacks.

Anxiety attack are caused mainly by stressors. It can make someone feel fearful and make their heart race or shortness of breath. Anxiety attacks usually lasts from 10-20 minutes or so and can happen many times in a row. During the short time, the fear can be so severe that you feel as if your going to lose control or die. In addition, people tend to avoid places that they have had an anxiety attack. When the stressor goes away, so does the anxiety attack.

Anxiety attack symptoms:
•shortness of breath
• racing heart beat
•plus more

Panic attack don't happen from a reaction of a stressor, they usually are unpredictable and unprovoked. During a panic attack the individual is seized with terror, fear, or apprehension. They may feel that they're going to die, or lose control or have a heart attack. To addition to the panic attack, people may worried about having another one.

Panic attack symptoms:
•shortness of breath
•chest pain
• shaking
•plus more

*people experience different things during an anxiety attack or panic attack. It varies from person to person.*

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