Qoute #7

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" I am exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel." -Unknown

Hey guys! Long time no see eh? Little update on me, I've been doing better. I got my FIRST EVER JOB AT AGE 20 and that was a stroke waiting to happen. I now have been working at a daycare (less actual adult human interactions) for about 3 months. I've been living with my sister also which is cool I guess. It's just she's always brought out more depression and anxiety and self consciousness in me. I've always looked up to her shes so pretty and smart and mature. She was always popular and sporty and had tons of friends. Basically the exact opposite of me. She complains tho about being ugly and fat like just no. I've become more self conscious tho as I did gain A LOT of weight when I went through a depressing time in college and my whole wardrobe doesn't fit. Good thing I can wear leggings to work everyday.

What's everybody been up to? -K

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